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主要内容 系统概述 资产增加:手工输入、从应付系统和其他系统引入、 在建工程增加. 资产维护:调整、转移、报废、重估 资产折旧、创建会计信息 系统查询和报表 ORACLE产品集成 与总帐集成 与总帐共享信息 建立日记帐分录传输至总帐系统 Oracle资产系统功能 设置Oracle资产系统标准步骤 设置Oracle资产系统控制 设置折旧帐簿信息 设置Oracle资产类别 手工增加方式 成批增加流程 从发票增加行增加资产 创建成批增加流程 成批增加流程 CIP Assets: 概述 增加发票行至 CIP 资产 调整资产 调整财务信息 资产分类调整 资产数量单位调整 转移资产 资产报废 资产报废 部分报废资产 部分报废资产成本 输入报废成本. 成本变更将不会影响单位金额. Oracle 资产系统将将报废成本在所有分配行均分. 部分报废数量 输入要报废的资产数量. Oracle 资产系统通过数量比率计算报废成本. 跟踪资产报废 报废与重新启用限制 折旧概述 查看资产信息 在线查看资产信息 建立日记帐分录 Scenario 一项新资产在第一年度的第一周期采购,成本$1000. 折旧方法为直线法,寿命五年.无残值 资产新增分录 Dr. 资产成本 1,000 Cr. 资产清理 1,000 第一季折旧. Dr. 折旧费用 50 Cr. 累计折旧 50 查看资产信息. 查看资产信息 总结 Retirement and Reinstatement Restrictions Retirement transactions cannot span fiscal year boundaries. Retiring Assets You can only retire assets that were added in previous periods and are effective in the current fiscal year. You cannot retire an asset that you added in the current period. Instead, you must enter your retirement as a prior period retirement after you run depreciation. Or, if you do not want to create any journal entries, choose Edit?Delete Record from the menu in the Asset Details window to delete the asset anytime in the period you added it. This removes all records of the asset but does not affect any subcomponents. If an asset was added in a prior period by mistake, adjust the cost to zero and retire it. Reinstating Assets You can only reinstate assets retired in the current fiscal year. You can only reinstate a partially retired asset if you have not performed any transactions on the asset since the partial retirement. Reinstate only the most recent partial retirement if you have performed several partial retirements on the asset. Viewing Assets: Overview A common request among users is the ability to view asset information online in order to verify or research asset information. Also, some companies may want to exercise stricter control in their organizations and segre


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