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高考英语必记句子30句 1.At that time the taxi driver had no choice but to turn to the tourist for help. 当时,那位出租车司机别无选择,只能求助于游客。 2.We have to take environmental protection into consideration when developing the economy. 发展经济的同时,我们必须考虑保护环境。 3. As is known to all,“Too much work without play makes Jack a dull boy”.Therefore,no matter how busy a person is,he is supposed to find some time to relax himself. 众所周知,“只学习不玩耍聪明的孩子也变傻。”因此,不管一个人有多忙,他都应该抽一些时间放松自己。 4.He was happy to be admitted Beijing Normal University. 被北师大录取了,他很高兴。 5.Children should show respect for their teachers.孩子们应对老师表示尊敬。 6.On one hand,they encourage us to get fully developed,but on the other hand,they wish us to devote all our time to studying our lessons. 他们一方面鼓励我们全面发展,可另一方面却又希望我们将时间全都用在学习功课上。 7.Undoubtedly,a proper diet can not only help you lose weight,but also help you keep fit and lead a more active,happier and healthier life. 毫无疑问,合理的饮食不仅能帮你减肥,而且能让你保持健康,过上更加积极、快乐和健康的生活。 8.The majority of the students hold the view that its convenient to go to school by electric bike.大多数学生认为骑电动车上学非常方便。 9.When it comes to me,I feel that we students should not pay much attention to our appearance.就我而言,我认为我们学生不应该过多地关注我们的外表。 10. Only by practising a lot can we learn our English well enough to communicate with foreigners. 只有多练习我们才能学好英语与外国人交流。 11.As far as Im concerned,these traditional festivals should be remembered for ever not only by our generation but also by our children. 我认为,这些传统的节日不仅我们这一代要记住而且我们的孩子也要记住。 12.For the sake of peoples health and happiness,measures should be taken to control and prevent pollution and everyone should make a contribution to it. 为了人们的健康和幸福,应当采取措施阻止污染,每个人都应为此做出贡献。 13.Whats more,sports let their brains relax so that they can improve the efficiency of study. 而且,运动让他们的大脑放松从而提高了学习效率。 14.There is no need to worry too much about the results as long as we study hard every day and make careful plans for the examination. 只要我们认真学习,制定好计划,就没有必要过于担心考试结果。 15.Im writing the letter in the hope that you can conside


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