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北京地区成人本科学士学位英语统一考试真题及答案阅读理解:1.Which of the following is the first state to raise smoking age to 21?A.California. B.Hawaii.C.New York.D.Washington.2.The California law includes all the following measures EXCEPT ____A.enlarging no-smoking areasB.allowing counties to collect higher taces on cigarettesC.inceasing smoking bansD.punishing parents who encourage their children to smoke3.The word policing in Paragragh 3 probably means _____.A.enrichingB.controllingC.understandingD.protecting4.Who is against the bill?A.Governor Jerry Brown.B.Assemblyman Donald wagner.C.Assemblyman Jim Wood.D.The mayor of San Francisco.5.Which of the following is an appropriate title for the passage?A.California Lawmakers Vote to Rasise Smoking Age to 21B.San Francisco Incerased the Age to Buy Tobacco Products to 21C.Hawaii Hsa Already Raised the Age to Buy tobacco D.A California Bill Faces Opposition from Many Republicans6.According to the passage, Dr. Barry was made fun of because she _____.A.had a low voiceB.had a funny beardC.was tallD.was short7.Which of the following about James Barry is a fact?A.She had a rich father.B.She became a medical student in 1810.C.She was born in Edinburgh.D.She was a royal peincess.8.Which of the following about James Barry is NOT TRUE?A.She was a troublemaker.B.She worked in many foreign countries.C.She made great contributions to the British Army.D.She was the best doctou in London.9.Dr, Barry was not happy when people talked about her ____.A.family.B.job.C.university.D.voice10.The word swordsman in paragraph 4 probably means _____.A.someone who is skilled at fighting with a swordB.someone who is skilled at fighting with a gunC.someone who often fights with other people D.someone who often makes trouble for other people11.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?A.A solutiong to Traffic Jams B.An App to Detect PotholesC.Pothole Problems in Big CitiesD.Poor Road Conditions12.The phrase kick off in paragraph 1 is closeet in meaning to _____.A.


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