[其它语言学习]Unit7 association amp collocation.ppt

[其它语言学习]Unit7 association amp collocation.ppt

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Association a new house this old car that beautiful picture the first position; the second position; the third position – in these 3 places – substitution – these elements are in paradigmatic relationship纵聚合关系 your stylish evening dress – these elements are combined to form a larger unit – they are in syntagmatic relationship横组合关系 Part One Association 1. paradigmatic relationship纵聚合关系 - vertical syntagmatic relationship横组合关系- horizontal (de Saussure) 2. Four paradigmatic rules: 1)the Minimal Contrast Rule; Change the sign of only one feature / The rule of changing the sign of one feature beginning with bottommost (=lowest) feature P345 e.g. man vs. woman – they have many semantic features in common , but they differ in the last feature (最低特征为性别区分特征、极性特征)- If a word has an antonym, it will always elicit this opposite more often than anything else. P344 e.g. long-short; Other single-feature contrasts: is-are, was-were,has-have, is-was, are-were, has-had, he-him, she-her, we-us, they-them, here-there, this-that, now-then Association 2) the Feature-deletion and –Addition Rules; Fewer semantic features – fewer limitations – more general- genus类; e.g. apple eliciting fruit More semantic features – more limitations – more specific – species 种 e.g. fruit eliciting apple [±Volitive] look (只是看more general) – see (看到某物 more specific) ; listen – hear [±Causative] kill (make /have / let / sb. do sth.让…做…more specific)– die (more general) Deletion of features generally produces superordinates, while addition of features produces subordinates. P345 Feature-deletion takes precedence (=priority, greater importance) over feature-addition. P138 Association 3) the Marking Rule; e.g. loved, jumped – The past tense is marked by suffix –ed; love, jump – The present tense is unmarked(Loves is an exception); The marked terms vs unmarked terms : dogs vs. dog; better vs. good;


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