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质 谱 Mass Spectrometry (Mass) 以某种方式使有机分子电离,碎裂,然后按离子的质荷比(m/z)大小把生成的各种离子分离,检测它们的强度,并将其排列成谱,这种研究方法叫做质谱法,简称质谱。 离子按其质荷比大小排列而成的谱图称作质谱图,也简称为质谱。 Mass Spectroscopy Mass Spectrometry is an analytical spectroscopic tool primarily concerned with the separation of molecular (and atomic) species according to their mass. Mass Spectrometry has a number of uses for example geologists use it to date rocks, pharmaceutical companies make use of mass spectrometry to determine the structure of novel compounds. Today techniques such as the following are commonly used: GC/MS,GC/MS/MS,LC/MS,FAB, Electrospray MS,MALDI TOF MS,FTMS,ICPMS 质谱发展历史 1897年,英国剑桥Cavendish实验室的Thomson研制,发现了氖的同位素,分辨率10。 1919年,Aston 速度聚焦质谱仪,测出氖同位素的丰度比为10:1,分辨率130。 1934年,双聚焦质谱仪,大大提高了分辨率。 二战期间,用于美国原子弹制造计划(研究235U)。 1943年,进入民用,石油分析。 50年代,出现新型质量分析器,四极滤质器(1953),脉冲飞行时间分析器(1955),及新的离子化手段,火花离子源、二次离子源,气质联用。 60年代以后,新的离子化方法:FI,FD,CI,激光离子化,ICP,FAB,ESI,复杂的质谱仪推出,离子探针,三级四极杆,四极杆飞行时间,磁场四极,磁场飞行时间,离子回旋共振等,液质联用。 1974年等离子体质谱,1981年快原子轰击质谱,1988年,电喷雾电离质谱, 90年代以后,EPI-MS,MALDI-MS用于生物间非共价键作用研究,联用技术发展迅速。 质谱分析法是物理分析法,早期主要用于相对原子质量的测定和某些复杂化合物的鉴定和结构分析 随着GC和HPLC等仪器和质谱仪联机成功以及计算机的飞速发展,使得质谱法成为分析、鉴定复杂混合物的最有效工具 1,有机质谱的原理及质谱仪 质谱仪(mass spectrograph) 及质谱计(mass spectrometer) 特点:高真空及用量少 Sample is first Vaporized before passing through an ion chamber Then bombarded with a stream of high-energy electrons. This results in the formation of a molecular ion as well as a number of fragments These ions are then fed into an electric field where they are accelerated and passed through a narrow slit, producing a narrow beam of positive ions. This beam is then subjected to a magnetic field causing the ions to be deflected a particular distance depending on the mass to charge ratio The ions deflected are detected by a particular instrument, which then sends messages to a recorder resulting in the formation of a mass spectrum. 加速后的离子进入磁场中,由于受到磁场的影响,离子作圆周运动(弧形运动),离子的向心力(磁场力)BZυ和运动的离心力m υ2/R相等 质谱分析法原理和仪器


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