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光纤通信中的衰减、色散及非线性特性研究 摘要 随着人类社会信息化速率的加快,对通信的需求也呈高速增长的趋势。由于光纤传输技术的不断发展,在传输领域中光传输已占主导地位。光纤存在巨大的频带资源和优异的传输性能,是实现高速率、大容量传输的最理想的传输媒质。光纤通信是传输技术的革命性进步,其诞生已有近30年的历史,直到今天还没看到任何一种新的技术能够取而代之。据统计,目前80% 以上的信息是通过光通信系统传递的。光纤通信系统问世以来,一直向着两个目标不断发展。一是延长中继(再生)距离,二是提高系统容量,也就是所谓的向超高容量和超长距离两个方向发展。从技术角度看,限制高速率、大容量光信号长距离传输的主要因素是光纤衰减、色度色散和非线性。本文开始阐述了光纤通信的发展及光纤特性对光纤通信的影响,接下来在第二章介绍了光纤通信的基本概念和光纤的结构、分类、导光原理以及各种新型单模光纤,然后在第三章、第四章、第五章中分别对光纤的衰减特性、色散特性、非线性效应展开了研究,最后在第六章用Optisystem软件建立典型的光纤系统补偿模型并进行特性分析研究。 关键字:光纤;光纤特性;Optisystem;补偿模型 ABSTRACT As human society information of communication, the rate of growth in demand. Due to the continuous development of fiber optic transmission technology, optical transmission in the field has dominated. The huge bandwidth optical fiber transmission performance and superior resources, is to realize high speed and capacity of the transmission of the ideal transmission medium. Optical fiber communication is the transmission technology progress, the birth of revolutionary history of nearly 30 years, until today, havent seen any kind of new technology can instead. According to statistics, more than 80% of the information is passed through the communication system.Since the advent of optical fiber communication system has been evolving towards two objectives. One is to extend the relay (renewable) distance, and second, to improve system capacity, which is the so-called ultra-high capacity and ultra-long distance to the two directions. From a technical point of view, restricting high-speed, high-capacity long-distance optical signal transmission is the main factor that fiber attenuation, chromatic dispersion and nonlinearity. This article first expounds the development of optical fiber communication and optical properties influence of the optical fiber communication, followed by in the second chapter tells the basic concepts of the optical communications and the fiber structure, classification, principle and basic properties of light, and then introduces new type single-mo


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