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江苏省教学观摩课教案 Jobs? ??? 一、教学目标: 1. 能听懂、会说单词和词组 street cleaner, fireman, spaceman, put out fires, save people in fires, fly rockets into space, hard-working, brave, strong 2. 能听懂、会说、会运用句型He/She likes his/her job because … 3. 通过阅读学习如何通过笔录了解他人的职业并进行谈论,了解课文以外更多职业。 1.? ?? ?教会学生在阅读的过程中快速获取关键信息。 2.??引导学生整体阅读课文对话,理解课文细节信息。 3.引导学生借助关键词记住笔录主要意思并尝试表达。 1.? ?? ?培养学生积极用英语表达的情感态度。 2.? ?? ?引导学生发现不同职业的意义,培养学生尊重和热爱不同职业的的态度。 二、教学重难点: 1. 能听懂、会说、会运用句型He/She likes his/her job because … 2 通过笔录学习学会如何就他人的职业进行谈论和叙述。 3. 对高年级学生英语学习方法的指导。 三、教学过程: Step One:??Lead-in 1 . Self-introduction(教师自我介绍) The teacher introduces herself using a rhyme and chats with the students. 〔设计说明〕:教师通过自编歌谣介绍自己,师生相互熟悉,活跃气氛,铺垫生词exciting,because 2. Talk about the things the students like(谈论学生喜爱的食物、动物等以及原因) The teacher asks about what the students like and why. The students try to say what they like using ‘I like…because…’ 〔设计说明〕:通过韵律诗铺垫本课难点句式,引导学生运用I like …because …谈论自己喜爱的食物、动物等。 Step Two: Presentation 1.? ?? ?Bring up the topic(揭示话题) The teacher tells the students the topic of this lesson, and asks them what jobs they already know. 〔设计说明〕:通过谈论学生已经知道的工作,调动学生相关知识储备,为进入课文阅读进行铺垫。 2. Guess the jobs in the text (猜测课文中人物的工作) The teacher shows the outlines of the pictures of Bing Bing’s family and asks the students to guess their jobs from the pictures. 〔设计说明〕:引入课文情境,通过看人物剪影预测人物职业,引发学生阅读兴趣。 3.? ?? ?Read the text quickly and find the jobs of Bing Bing’s family??(快速阅读课文,找到文中人物的职业) The students read the passage quickly and circle the jobs of Bing Bing’s family. 〔设计说明〕:通过快速阅读课文的方式,指导学生如何快速阅读,获得自己所需要的信息, 教授单词cleaner, fireman, spaceman. 4. Read the text in details and find what they do(仔细阅读课文,了解文中每个职业所做的事) A.? ???Learn what these jobs do The students read the text in details and underline what each of the jobs do. 〔设计说明〕:通过仔细阅读课文的方式,指导学生如何读懂课文细节,进一步理解阅读内容, 教授词组clean the city, put out fires, fly rockets into space. B.? ???Say a rhyme The students say a rhyme about the jobs in the text. 〔设计说明〕:通过有关课文的韵律诗巩固学生对阅读课文中人物职业的理解。 5.? ?? ?Li


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