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Chapter 19 Eye and Ear 眼和耳 Ⅰ.eye 角膜(前1 / 6) 纤维膜 巩膜(后5 / 6) 眼球壁 虹膜基质 血管膜 睫状体基质 脉络膜 视网膜: 分为盲部与视部 晶状体 眼球内容物 玻璃体 房水 1. Cornea角膜 Corneal epithelium 角膜上皮 Anterior limiting lamina 前界层: Corneal stroma角膜基质 胶原板层和成纤维细胞 Posterior limiting lamina 后界层 Corneal endothelium 角膜内皮 3.corneal limbus角膜缘 Limbal epithelium 角膜缘上皮 Limbal stem cell角膜缘干细胞 Sinus venous sclerae巩膜静脉窦 Trabecular meshwork小梁网 4. Iris虹膜 Pupil 瞳孔 5. Ciliary body 睫状体 6. Choroid脉络膜 rich in blood vessel and pigment Glassy membrane 玻璃膜 7. Retina视网膜 Ganglion cell layer节细胞层 Bipolar cell layer 双极细胞层 Visual cell layer 视细胞层 Pigment epithelial layer色素上皮层 1.Pigment epithelial layer simple cuboidal, lying on Bruchs wide membrane of basal laminae reinforced by collagen and elastic fibrils. Pigment cells absorb light, and destroy the used-up tips of the rods. 2.Visual cell layer Visual cell视细胞 Photoreceptor感光细胞 Cell body Outer root外突(树突) Inner segment内节 Outer segment外节是感光部位 Inner root内突(轴突) 2.Visual cell layer 2.Visual cell layer 3. Bipolar cell layer Bipolar cell双极细胞是中间神经元 dendrite树突 axon轴突 侏儒双极细胞 Horizontal cell水平细胞 Amacrine cell无长突细胞 Interplexiform cell网间细胞 4.Ganglion cell layer Somas of ganglion cells, whose axons pass over the internal surface of the retina to converge on the optic papilla视神经乳头, where they pass out unmyelinated to form the optic nerve. Midget ganglion cell侏儒节细胞 Glial cell Radial neuroglia cell放射状胶质细胞 Müller cell米勒细胞 astrocyte星形胶质细胞 oligodendrocyte少突胶质细胞 microglia小胶质细胞 macula lutea central fovea黄斑与中央凹 Optic disc视盘 Optic papilla视神经乳头 Blind spot盲点 眼内容物 Aqueous humor房水 lens晶状体 均为无色透明 Vitreous body玻璃体 Dioptric system屈光系统:眼内容物与角膜共同


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