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各类圣诞传统植物 An evergreen tree is a Christmas tradition in many American homes. The tree is unusually a pine or fir dressed with lights and other colorful decorations. 一棵常青树是许多美国家庭的圣诞传统,通常是松树或杉树,用彩灯和其它各种丰富多彩的装饰品装饰好。 Families might buy a cut tree or go to a tree farm and cut one down themselves. Some people bring a live tree in a pot into their home for the holidays and then put it back outdoors. 人们可以购买一棵砍下来的树,也可以自己去林场自己砍一棵。有些人会在圣诞期间在家里摆放一盆盆栽树,圣诞过后再将其搬回户外。 Some people rent a Christmas tree. Companies might bring the same live tree to the same family year after year. Or the tree might get planted in a park or someplace else where it could help the environment. 有些人会租一棵圣诞树。租赁公司每年会给他们送来同一棵活树。这些树或种在公园,或种在其他有利于环境的地方。 There are some trees that can be reused year after year because they are made of plastic or metal. Or, instead of a tree, some people have a small, sweet-smelling rosemary plant, cut to look like a little Christmas tree. 有些树是用塑料或金属做成,可以年复一年的重复使用。或者,有些人会用一棵小却很香的迷迭香,剪切成一颗小圣诞树的形状。 Another popular evergreen this time of year is the mistletoe plant. It has small white berries and leaves that feel like leather. The traditional Christmas mistletoe is native to Europe. 每年这个时候另一种流行的常绿植物是槲寄生植物。它有白色小浆果和树叶,感觉像是皮革。槲寄生的圣诞传统源自欧洲。 Ancient Druids believed mistletoe had magical powers. The plant can be found growing on apple trees, lindens, maples and poplars. Mistletoe is a parasitic plant. It connects itself to a tree and steals nutrients and water. 古人德鲁伊认为槲寄生具有神奇的魔力。苹果树,菩提树,枫树和杨树上都能找到槲寄生植物。槲寄生是一种寄生植物,它寄生在其他树上并摄取营养和水分。 Today mistletoe is best known as an excuse to steal a kiss at a Christmas party. Kissing is a tradition if two people stand under mistletoe hung in a doorway. 今天,槲寄生因其是圣诞晚会上偷吻的借口而闻名。如果两个人站在门口挂着的槲寄生下,根据传统他们便可以接吻。 (抱歉,临时有事,后面的不及翻译,前面部分也未及检查。我会尽快补上) Another plant that many people connect with Christmas is the poinsettia. Poinsettias are native to Mexico. They can be white or pink, but most are bright red. They are named after the first American ambassador to Mexico.


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