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中国矿业大学2011~学年第学期 班级 商务09-5 姓名 肖曼君 学号 分数_________ 《跨文化商务交际》案例分析之一 Case1 Analysis: This case shows the contradiction between employees and employers in different cultures. That is to say, the contradiction was made by cultural conflict. IKEA is a Swedish company and it has initiated an American style performance on its management control system. Both Sweden and the U.S are countries with low power distance, individualism and low uncertainty avoidance. But it does have some latent discontent on both Swedish managers and American managers. How does it work? ? Masculinity/Femininity Many employees in IKEA feel that their individual achievements are not rewarded, in some extent, its the matter of culture. Because America has an above-average ranking on the masculine while Sweden is more feminine. Material success are valued in a masculine culture. High earning and rewards are apt to be effective motivators, the caring environment in IKEA can not give American managers what they want. In others words, they are the people in a achievement orientation. ?Uncertainty Avoidance Cultures with low uncertainty avoidance like Sweden and the US accept uncertainty. In these cultures, people are relatively comfortable with ambiguity. Rules are seen as flexible, and are subject to modifications. That is why the Swedish managers feel uncomfortable with the formality of the system and the need to provide negative feedback. ?Time Orientation American are the people in a short-term orientation,efforts are excepted to produce quick results and companies often use management control systems which judge how effectively a manager has contributed to the companys bottom line. Thus, as the American manager said, they left because it was too hard to adjust. Case 2 Analysis: From the case, it shows that Burns Philip successfully expand its business abroad via a good intercultural communication, as Mr Aroney says,All the above can be subject to lengthy negotiations prior to


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