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成都理工大学2011届本科生(论文)  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 38 基于B/S的四川旅游查询系统开发 作者姓名:张健源 专业班级:200705070111 指导教师:黄地龙 摘 要 随着中国经济社会的发展,人们的生活水平越来越高,在对物质生活的追求外越来越注重自己的精神追求,出行旅游的人日益增多。四川拥有“天府之国”的美誉,旅游资源丰富,每年入川的人络绎不绝。人们对四川旅游信息的需求越来越强。为了让他们又快又便捷查询到信息,同时宣传四川旅游,本文提出一种基于B/S构建的四川旅游网站查询系统的开发。 论文详细描述了一个基于PHP语言、Mysql数据库、Aphache服务器的旅游网站的开发过程。在开发过程中,运用Smarty模板实现代码和界面、各个功能的模块化编程。网站信息界面实现了旅游新闻和旅游资讯的查看,能够完成游客对信息的查询、评论、关注、收藏、地图查阅,用户个人界面实现自己已关注、收藏信息的陈列,个人资料修改,留言板和短信息为游客和旅行社、游客和游客之间提供了一个信息交流的平台。网站管理员界面提供部分系统维护功能,主要是用户管理、新闻和旅游信息发布。它具备各种旅游要素,合理安排和整理的旅游信息;它不仅能够让浏览者得到最新的旅游信息,而且能够利用网络地图API标示旅游地点,使旅游更方便、完备。 关键词: 旅游网站;PHP ;Smarty模板;网络地图API Based on B/S query system development in Sichuan Tourism Abstract: With Chinas economic and social development, increasing peoples living standards, life in the pursuit of material outside the increasingly focus on their spiritual pursuit, an increasing number of people travel tourism. Sichuan has a land of abundance. It has rich tourism resources. There are so many people going to Sichuan every year. Sichuan tourist information people need is growing. In order for them to quickly and easily query the information, while Sichuan tourism promotion, this paper based on B / S Construction of Sichuan tourism website for system development. Paper describes in detail a language based on PHP, Mysql database, Aphache server travel site development process. During development, the use of Smarty templates and interface code, all functions of the modular programming. Website interface to achieve the tourism news and travel information in the view, visitors can complete the query for information, comments, concerns, collection, map reference, the user interface to achieve that they have personal interest, the collection of information display, modify personal information, message boards and Short information for tourists and travel agencies, between the tourists and visitors provide a platform for information exchange. Site Administrator interface to provide part of the system mainten


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