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第95天 阅读理解 [学习要点] 通过阅读理解,学会综合应用英语词汇、语法知识,全面达到提高英语语言能力以及逻辑思维和分析能力。 [家教点窍] 首先泛读了解全文大意,对文章内容有一个大概的认识。然后读题,了解各题与文章的哪一部分内容有关。再次精读全文,进一步确定,了解与题目相关内容的事实和细节。这时不仅要注意对文章的表面理解,还要注意对其深层含义的推理分析。接下来答题时可采用排除法、对比法、求异法等各种方式,以文章为依据,切不可带有个人观点。最后复查,纠正可能出现的错误。 [典型例题]   例1 阅读理解。 Five people died early this month when they were traveling in the hot air balloon, because it broke and burst into fire in Nanking. It was reported that all the five were youths of about 30 years of age. They were talking some bird’s eye pictures of two factories. The accident happened at noon on July 8 after a nylon(尼龙) string connecting the balloon with an on-the-ground control(控制)tower broke up. The balloon went out of control and was blown off course by the wind. What do you think caused the accident? The balloon filled with hot air. The string which was not strong enough. Too many people being carried in the balloon. The wind which was blowing at that time. 评析 在解答此题时,选择答案(A)者认为事故原因是热气球本身不牢固;选择答案(B)者认为事故原因在于尼龙索强度不够,断掉后气球失控;选择答案(C)者认为事故原因是载重过重;选择答案(D)者认为事故原因在于风力的作用。在此我们采用排除法,即可轻而易举地判定正确答案应是(D)。我们取气球刚升空这一场合同气球升入高空后控制索断掉时的场合进行对比考察,很容易发现:在上述两个场合中,气球本身的牢固程度没有差异;气球控制索的强度没有差异;气球载重没有差异;唯有风的作用力会有明显的差异。而这个具有差异的情况,应是产生该现象(引起事故)的最直接原因(或部分原因)。正是由于风力的作用,“nylon string”“broke up”,于是“the balloon went out of control and was blown off course”,最后,气球“broke and burst into fire.” 例2 阅读理解。 No one knows how man learned to make words. Maybe he began by making sounds. As time went by, he made more and more words. This is what we call languages. People in different countries made different kinds of words. Today there are about fifteen hundred different languages in the world. Some animals also have their languages. When a bee has found some food, it goes back to its home. It wants to tell the others where the food is. But it can’t speak, so it does a little dance in the air. In this way it tells the other bees where the food is. True or false? All languages began by making sounds. People from different countries have their own languages.


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