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Everywhere, we stand up! * 故天将降大任于斯人也,必先苦其心志,劳其筋骨,饿其体 肤,空乏其身,行拂乱其所为,所以动心忍性,曾益其所不能。 ——《孟子·告子下》 终于,我们又想起了毛主席的话: 帝国主义亡我之心不死! Finally, we remind us of Chairman Mao’s famous words: the imperialism will never abandon its intention to destroy us! 2008年, 本应该是全世界中华儿女最高兴的一年, 经济建设的蒸蒸日上,奥运会的盛大举行, 都注定这将是不平凡的一年, 让中国人扬眉吐气的一年。。。。。。 2008,it would be a great year for all Chinese people, for its holding Olympics, for its quick development, however… 然而, 当国人刚刚从上年末 大范围雪灾的阴影中走出来的时候, 一连串闹剧、阴谋与灾难 就迫不及待地开始上演…… As soon as we have just walked out of the last year’s snow disaster, another series of farces, calamity and cabals come out… 外国资本在完成了对中国金融企业的 全面控股与包围之后, 开始了对中国金融与经济的全面影响与操控。。。 After its control on and besiegement with Chinese financial institutions, the foreign capital begin to control and influence our national economy… 先是境外热钱爆炒中国股市,股价飙升, 引起“全民炒股,中国老百姓全面接盘。 之后…… Foreign hot-money speculated in our stock market and the share prices crazy rose, which lead the Chinese common people roll in stock market. And then…… 然后,外资撤离,股市暴跌,一片惨绿…… Then, the foreign capital withdrew, and the share prices sharply went down… 加上内外各种因素, 通货膨胀接踵而至,CPI高居不下。 With several other inside and outside causes, comes immediately the inflation. 我们每天还是同样的奔波工作, 可是忽然之间,我们的劳动力就贬了值, 连吃猪肉都成了奢侈…… We work as usual days, but our labor was suddenly devaluated, down to be a situation that even pork has become a luxury. 他们沆瀣一气,逼迫人民币升值。 They act evilly in collusion with each other, compelling us to make RMB Appreciation. 他们收买权贵,让中国人民就范。 They buy over dignitaries as their agents, to slave the Chinese. 通过货币战争, 他们进行着看不见的新殖民掠夺。 目的是让中国人民成为美国 乃至整个西方近来的金融危机买单。 By money-war, they makes an invisible new colonial rob, in order to divert their own expense in financial crisis onto us. 我们的产品廉价地供给给他们, 而我们的人们仍在受苦。 We provide for them by low-cost commodities “made in China”, but our people still have a rough time. 我们的产品廉价地供给给他们, 而我们的人们仍在受苦。 We provide for them by low-cost commodities “made in China”, but our people


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