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高效时间管理的方法 生命规划 And efficient method of time management From the Life Planning 要事第一 Efficient time management method of two First Things First 每日管理 Efficient time management method of three Daily Management 任务清单 Efficient time management method of 4 Task list 检查追踪 Efficient time management methods 5 Check Tracking 日清日新 Efficient time management methods 6 Nissin New 杜绝拖延 Efficient time management method of 7 Put an end to delays 条理整洁 Efficient time management method of 8 Structured and clean 马上行动 Efficient time management methods 9 Act now 授权 Efficient time management methods 10 Authorization 忘记今天 你会被明天忘记 Forget today You will be forgotten tomorrow, 人的全部本领,无非是耐心和时间的混合物 Time line: People of all skills, is nothing but a mixture of patience and time 20%重要的事项要用80%的时间来保证完成 80/20 principle 20% of the important issues to use 80% of the time to ensure the completion of 你如果需要时间 就自己创造它 ?If you need time to To create it on his own 一万年太久 只争朝夕 Ten thousand years too long Race against time 时间优先 不是事件优先 Time priority Is not a case of priority 没有安排不了的时间 只有自己没有安排时间 Do not arrange the time can not be Only he did not arrange a time * * 五项管理 5 Management 时间管理 Mentality Management 如何管理时间 提升效率 时间用在哪里 你的结果就在哪里 What comes to mind, they will get what 你抛弃时间 时间也会抛弃你 You discard the time Time will abandon you 浪费时间等于慢性自杀 A waste of time is equal to suicide 从不浪费时间的人 没有工夫抱怨时间不够 Never a waste of time people Complain about the lack of time does not work 时间是这样浪费的 1.缺乏计划 2.没有目标 3.拖延 4.抓不住重点 5.事必躬亲 6.有头无尾 7.一心多用 Time is such a waste 1. Lack of planning 2. There is no target 3. Delay 4. Of focus 5. Hands-on 6. Has a head no tail 7. As one multi-purpose 时间是这样浪费的 8.缺乏条理与整洁 9.总是在找东西 10.简单的事情复杂化 11.懒惰 12.浪费别人的时间 Time is such a waste 8. The lack of structured and clean 9. Always looking for something 10. Simple things complicated 11. Lazy 12. Wasting peoples time 时间是这样浪费的 13.不会拒绝请求 14.盲目行动 15.不懂授权 16.盲目承诺 17.越权指挥


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