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加勒比海盗4:惊涛怪浪 The reason and purpose Hello, everyone Today, we will introduce the Pirates of the Caribbean 4 The film is full of passion and adventure, so I want to introduce to you Next, we will tell to you the story Jacks Black Pearl 杰克的黑珍珠号 Barbosa betrayed Jack took his Black Pearl, so he always wanted to come back. 由于巴博萨背叛了杰克,夺取了他的黑珍珠号,所以他一直想要回来。 Barbosa was a member of the Black Pearl.巴博萨曾是黑珍珠号上的一员 At this time in the lives of the king barbosa to search for the legendary fountain of youth.这时候巴博萨奉英国国王之命去寻找传说中的不老泉。 巴博萨告诉杰克黑珍珠号他给弄丢了,他要求杰克帮助他和国王找到不老泉。Barbosa told Jack that the Pearl he lost, he asked Jack to help him and find the fountain of youth. Jack was seduce by An Jie, finally falls into their trap.杰克被安杰丽卡勾引,结果最后落入了她们父女的陷阱。 became the father of Queen Anne, a crew member of the revenge.The ship is in searching for the fountain of youth, only Jack knows how to. 成了安妮女王复仇号的一名船员。这艘船在寻找不老泉,只有杰克知道怎么去。 The ship is Blackbeards ship, black beard is terrible, but has recently been very timid, scared.这艘船是黑胡子的船,黑胡子很可怕,但是最近却很胆小,惶恐。 because according to the predicted that he would be in a few days is a one-legged man killed (Barbosa).He wants to find the fountain, obtains the life. 因为根据预言他会在几天内被一个一条腿的人所杀(巴博萨)。他要找到不老泉,得到寿命。 大家都奔着不老泉而去,传说中,美人鱼聚集在白帽港。这也正好是往“不老泉”的必经之路。Everyone rushes to the fountain , according to legend, the mermaid gathered at the white port.It also happens to be the fountain of youth the only way which must be passed. 黑胡子船上的传教士发现了一条没有逃掉的活的美人鱼,并且对她一见钟情。 the missionaries on the Blackbeard of aboard found a no escape living Mermaid, and she fall in love at first sight. Jack to lead us to find the fountain 杰克出面带领大家找到了不老泉。 Barbosa appeared.they start fighting.Missionaries managed to save a mermaid, mermaid fled in a panic. 巴博萨出现。大家开打。传教士趁乱救了美人鱼,人鱼慌忙逃走了。 The last Spanish appeared, they think the fountain is against the teachings, must be destroyed, then destroyed the fountain. 最后西班牙人出现,他们认为不老泉的存在违背了教义,必须毁灭,于是捣毁了不老泉。 Barbosa managed to poke black beard


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