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Translate the following letter into English: Practice Lessons 执事先生: 很高兴收到你方4月10日的询价,根据你方要求,现寄上带插图的目录册及价格表。另邮寄上一些样品,相信经查阅后,你方会同意我方产品质量上乘,价格合理。 如果每个款式的购买数量不少于1000罗的话,我们可给2 %的折扣。支付是凭不可撤销的即期信用证。 由于质地柔软、耐用,我们的棉质床单和枕套倍受欢迎。谅你在研究我方价格之后,自然会感到我们难以满足市场需求的原因。但是,若你方订货不迟于本月底,我们保证即期装运。 早复为盼。 谨上 Translate the following letter into Chinese: Practice Lessons Dear Sirs, Re: Textiles This company is one of the largest textile importers in Chicago. We hope to establish direct business relations with you so as to promote trade between our two countries. We are enclosing an inquiry note No.345 and looking forward to receiving your quotation CFR Chicago inclusive of our commission of 5% at an early date. While quoting, please state the earliest shipment and quantity available. If your quotation is competitive, we are ready to conclude substantial business with you. Your early reply will be much appreciated. Yours faithfully Chapter 4 Enquiries and Replies An enquiry is to made seek a supply of products, service or information. Chapter Four Inquiry and Replies Introduction : Most enquires are made by buyers to sellers. Types: General enquiry: the importer may only ask for catalogues, price lists, samples, or other general information about the goods from the exporter. Specific enquiry: inviting a quotation or an offer for the goods he wishes to buy, may request detailed information about the price, quantity, specifications, terms of payment, delivery, and so on, concerning the particular goods that interest the buyer. Points for attention When a buyer makes an enquiry, he has no obligation to purchase. On the other hand, the seller who receives such an enquiry is under no obligation to reply. Although an enquiry is not legally binding upon either the exporter or the importer, it is the first step towards successful business and should be handled with great care. In the letter of reply, the seller is supposed to give a full answer


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