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完成句子。 1. 他们未经许可擅入此地。 They entered the area without permission. 2. 要是天气允许, 我们今天下午去滑雪。 We will go skating this afternoon, weather permitting. 3. 未经那位农民的许可, 我们不被允许在这里宿营。 We are not allowed to camp here without the farmers permission. 4. 请允许我给你提一些建议。 Permit me to offer you some advice. 5. 你有在这湖中钓鱼的许可证吗? Have you a permit to fish in this lake? 11、in conclusion 总的来说 In conclusion, I should like to thank all those who have worked so hard to bring about this result. 最后, 我要对所有辛勤劳动因而取得这次成果的人们表示感谢。 ①总结性的总结短语还有:in a word; in short; in brief ②come to/draw a conclusion 得出结论 In the end, they came to a conclusion that Tom hadnt told the truth. 最后,他们得出结论,汤姆没有说实话。 汉译英。 1. 总之, 这不是个好主意。 In conclusion, this is not a good idea. 2. 总的来说, 政府应该调查这次事故的前因后果。 In short, government should look into the causes and effects of the accident. 3. 最后我想要说我在这里过得有多愉快。 In conclusion, Id like to say how much Ive enjoyed staying here. 12、This marked the beginning of the “space_race” between the US and the USSR, which ended with the US putting a man on the moon in 1969.(P26) 这标志着美国和苏联之间的太空竞赛的开始,这个竞赛以美国在1969年载人升上月球结束。 句中的which引导的是非限制性定语从句, 补充说明前面的space race。一般来说, 定语从句紧跟在先行词的后面, 但若定语从句较长, 主句较短, 考虑句子平衡或修辞的需要, 常将定语从句置于谓语或介词短语等句子成分之后, 使定语从句与先行词隔离。 * Part1 M7.Unit20 Unit20 New Frontiers Module7 1、conflict ① n. 冲突, 争执, 矛盾 The government has done nothing to solve the conflict over workers pay. 政府未采取任何措施来解决工人工资问题引起的冲突。 come into conflict发生冲突/争执 John often comes into conflict with his boss. 约翰经常和他的老板发生争执。 ② v.冲突,抵触 conflict with sb./sth. 与……有分歧 These results conflict with earlier findings. 这些结果与早期的发现相矛盾。 完成句子。 1. 你的请求与我的职责相抵触。 Your request conflicts with my duties. 2. 这两个室友经常闹矛盾。 These two roommates often come into conflict. 3. 民主原则有时与政治现实发生冲突。 The principles of democracy are sometimes in conflict with political reality. 2、electronic adj. 电子的 The firm is Britains main producer of electronic equipment. 该公司是英国主要的电子设备制造厂家。 ① electronic music 电子音乐/electronic organ


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