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文学 红字

Hawthorne 1804~1864 About the author Background : his father was a sea captain, who died when he was 4 years old. And he was brought up by his mother’ brother. He received the best schooling. His classmates included Longfellow and Pierce. After his graduation, he spent 12 years of seclusion (隐居) preparing for his literature career. Before the publication of The Scarlet Letter, he wrote several works, but not very successful. For some political reasons, he retired from the consul(领事), and then he devoted himself to literature until his death. His puritan family, his early studying the history of puritanism and his twelve years of seclusion, all of these made him early-mature, melancholy and good at thinking. However, he was not a complete puritan. On the contrary, he was guilty about his forebears’ persecuting heterodoxy(迫害异端). Therefore, in order to distinguish himself from them, he added a “w” in his family “Hathorne”. the central subject of Hawthorne’s major works was about human soul. He showed a great interest in the moral problems, which can be reflected in his works, such as adultery, murder, and crime. He wanted to explore the results of sin, which was distinguished from his contemporaries, and his talent to deal with such problems made him successful and become an evergreen in AL. works Mosses from an Old Manse《古宅青苔》 The Marble Faun《玉石雕像》 Houses of the Seven Gambles《带有七个尖角阁的房子》 The Life of Franklin Pierce The Scarlet Letter 《红字》 《红字》故事梗概 女主人公海斯特跟丈夫从英国移居到美国的波士顿,途中丈夫被印第安人俘虏。只身来到美国后,海丝特被青年牧师丁梅斯代尔诱骗怀孕。虚伪的清教徒社会视此事为大逆不道,为此州长亲自主持了对海丝特的审讯。牧师丁梅斯代尔也假惺惺地劝她交代出奸夫的名字,但海斯特愿意一个人承担,不愿交代。作为惩罚,她要终生佩带象征耻辱的红色的A字并游街示众。她靠刺绣为生,抚养珠儿。不屈不挠,忍辱负重,牧师大为感动,也大受刺激,不久就病倒了。他的丈夫奇灵渥斯是个丑陋年老又残疾的医生,通过给牧师治病,他基本已了解了真相,伺机报复。海丝特和牧师想要逃跑已过上新生活,却被医生识破,于是,丁梅斯代尔宣布了自己诱骗海丝特的事实,并死去。海丝特终生佩戴“A”字,但她却用善良与善行赢得了人们的尊敬。而海丝特的丈夫却在复仇心理的驱动下完全丧失了人性,在道德上完全堕落,也毁掉了自己的生活。 symbolism Hester : haste(匆忙,草率). Her tragedy was determined by her characteristic. She didn’t take much consideration that whether Chillingworth loved h


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