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廊坊师范学院 本科生毕业论文 题目:《红字》中的模糊性 姓名:李海肖 指导教师:安晓红 系别:英语系 专业:英语教育 年级:接本 完成时间5月20日 Ambiguity in The Scarlet Letter By Li Haixiao Prof: An Xiaohong Submitted to the BA committee in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of Bachelor of Arts in the English department of Langfang Teachers College 2004/5/20 题目:《红字》中的模糊性 摘要:纳撒尼尔·霍桑是美国19世纪杰出的浪漫注意小说家。在他创作的几部长篇小说中,《红字》一直被列为“霍桑式”小说中最为出色的一部。与所有其他优秀文学作品一样,《红字》自问世以来,便激发起各种各样的评论,而且从未间断。事实上,众多的文学批评家们,一直在尝试着用各种方法研究这部小说。也正是这个缘由,才使得霍桑的魅力有增无减,经久不衰;从而也使他在美国文学史上的地位愈显突出。源与人们对这部小说持续不断的研究热情,我们才得意对这部小说的不同理解与解释有所了解,同时也激发起我们对霍桑运用模糊性这一表现手法的探究兴趣。这一手法的运用,尽管使得这部作品显得隐晦,意义含糊、摸棱两可,从而导致了多种不同的、乃至相互矛盾的解释,但是毫无疑问,在很大程度上,也正是这一艺术表现手法的成功运用,才使得这部小说成为霍桑的杰作,读后令人回味无穷。即便在150年后的今天,它仍值得人们拜读。模糊性是霍桑运用得最为娴熟、最为成功的艺术手法之一。《红字》中的模糊性可见与诸多方面,对自然环境的描写,道德观在四个主要人物中的体现以及红字本身对海丝特,珠儿以及狄姆斯台尔的不同意义等等。论文从以上所论及的几个方面对霍桑在《红字》中所运用的模糊性手法进行了探索、研究,并指出:尽管这一手法的使用,给读者造成了一定的阅读困难,导致了多种不同的乃至相互矛盾的解释。因此,《红字》的成功,也当归功与模糊性这一创作手法的运用,大大增添了这部名著的神秘与魅力。 关键词:模糊性;不可理解性;令人困惑 Title: Ambiguity in The Scarlet Letter Abstract: Nathaniel Hawthorne is an outstanding novelist of American Romanticism in the 19th century. Among his larger works, The Scarlet Letter has been generally rated as his characteristic best. Therefore, like all other great works, it continuously stimulates criticism. A good number of critical studies have been added considerably to Hawthorne’s reputation and stature. As the result of the steady studies, critics, writers and even ordinary readers have come up with many different readings and interpretations of the novel. This eventually leads to the study of Hawthorne’s perplexed ambiguity, which, though sometimes causes difficulty to the reader, helps a lot in making this novel Hawthorne’s masterpiece and a rewarding work to read even today. Hawthorne’s ambiguity is one of the features of his literary and artistic creation. This thesis attempts to argue his ambiguity in The Scarlet Letter through description of natural settings, embodiment of morality in four main characters and t



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