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第四紀研究 (The Quaternary Research) 29 (3) p. 267-275 Aug. 1990 津軽陸橋問題と第四紀地殻変動1) 八 島 邦 夫2)・宮 内 崇 裕3) The Tsugaru Land Bridge Problem Related to Quaternary Coastal Tectonics, Northeast Japan1) Kunio YASHIMA2) and Takahiro MIYAUCHI3) The existence of a land bridge in Tsugaru Strait, Northeast Japan, is hypothesized with reference to caldron-saddle topography and submarine terraces in the western part of the strait and to late Pleistocene marine terrace deformation on land. It is possible that the Tsugaru Land Bridge was formed after the lowest submarine terrace (Terrace VII) and, before the paired caldrons. If the land bridge existed in the last glacial max- imum stage, 18 to 20ka ago, the sea level is estimated to have fallen below the depth of 130 meters. However, Terrace VII has not been age-determined yet. Tectonic move- ment, deduced from marine terrace deformation on land is not detected from height changes in continental shelves, caldrons, and saddle features. Differential movement is also not found in the height distribution of submarine terraces, at least in the Tappi Saddle. Much data on subsurface geology and structure beneath continental shelves are necessary in order to know the age of the Tsugaru Land Bridge. 判断すると海峡の西口であり, ここでは青函トンネル建 I. は じ め に 設に際して, 当時の国鉄の委託により昭和29・30年 に 周囲をアジア大陸と日本列島などに取り囲まれる日本 水路部により詳細な海底地形測量が実施された (図1). 海の出入口となるのは, 間宮, 宗谷, 津軽, 関門, 対馬湊 (1966) はこの測量によ


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