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目 录 Abstract - 2 - 摘 要 - 3 - 前 言 - 4 - 一、轧辊的工艺计算 - 6 - 1、轧辊的基本参数: - 6 - 2、轧辊的材料,辊的硬度面 - 8 - 3、轧辊的强度校核 - 8 - 4、工作辊与支承辊的接触应力 - 11 - 5、轧辊的变形计算 - 12 - 6、工作辊与支承辊间的弹性压扁 - 13 - 7、轧辊轴承 - 13 - 8、轴承寿命计算: - 14 - 9、轧辊轴承润滑: - 15 - 二、压下螺丝与螺母的工艺参数 - 15 - 1、压下螺丝的选择 - 15 - 2、压下螺母的选择 - 16 - 3、压下螺丝的传动力矩和压下电机功率 - 16 - 4、电机的选择 - 17 - 三、轧辊平衡系统的工艺参数 - 18 - 1、支承辊平衡缸的选择 - 18 - 2、工作辊平衡缸的选择 - 20 - 四、机架的工艺参数 - 23 - 1、机架的主要结构参数 - 24 - 2、机架的结构 - 25 - 3、机架强度计算 - 26 - 五、工作机座刚度的计算 - 29 - 1、轧辊系统的弹性变形 - 29 - 2、轧辊轴承的弹性变形 - 30 - 3、轴承座的弹性变形 - 31 - 4、压下系统的弹性变形 - 32 - 5、支承辊轴承座和压下螺丝之间各零件的弹性变形: - 34 - 6、压力调心板的接触变形 - 35 - 7、机架的弹性变形: - 36 - 六、轧制力矩 - 38 - 七、减速器 - 39 - 八、万向接轴 - 40 - 九、电动机容量计算与校核 - 41 - 1、主电机容量的计算 - 41 - 2、主电机容量校核 - 42 - 结束语 - 45 - Abstract Iron and steel industry ,as the pillar of national industry ,its development must accord with stratedy of new industrilation,and put technology innovation and sustainable development on important position .Tecnological process of rolling steel production in the future will be more compact,realize integration of casting and rolling and make so-called “rolling with minimum compress rate”come true by using high-and-new technology ,which will put computer control forward and make the transforn from computer model control to antifical intelligence control. The task of this design is to design a four high reversing mills,with PLC control system ,to realize multi-parameter online control and improve quality of steel strip. Four high reversing cold-rolling mills,which links up the technology process of post-casting and reduces working procedures,can realize reversing rolling.Four high reversing mills also can provide more rolling prossure to improve the range of rollable hardness and diversify the specification of product.With the cooperation of PLC,four-high resersing mills can control hardness deviation of steel strip by artifical intelligence,and realize “rolling of minimum compress rate”,and at the same time,improve utilization ratio of capital tu



xingyuxiaxiang + 关注


