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摘 要 本设计的题目是某区净水厂设计。设计的主要内容包括:给水方案比较、取水工程设计、净水厂设计和二级泵房设计。 设计书由设计资料、设计说明书和设计计算书三部分组成。 本设计的设计规模是18万m3/d,以该市南面的河流为水源。采用常规处理,其工艺流程为:源水→河床式取水构筑物(一泵房)→管式静态混合器→折板絮凝池 →斜管沉淀池→V型滤池→清水池→二泵→城市管网。选用三氯化铁为混凝剂,液氯为消毒剂。出水水质要满足生活饮用水卫生标准(GB5749-2006)。 一泵房近期设3台800s48型水泵两用一备。远期增加2台,三用两备。 折板絮凝池共设四座,每座组。 斜管沉淀池共设两座。与折板絮凝池合建。 V型滤池共设,每设。(每为双格滤池) 清水池共设两座。 关键词:净水厂,常规处理,斜管沉淀池,V型滤池, Abstract The topic of my design is the water purification plant in some city of central . The design mainly includes: the comparison for the process of water supply; the design of water source engineering; the design of the water plant and the secondary pumping station. The design file consists of three parts which are design data, explanation file and calculation file. The volume of the required daily water supply of my design is 180000 m3/ hd .Te river in the south of nhe city is the source of the water supply. The system of the water plant adopts conventional treatment, the technology progress is as following: raw water →riverbed intake structure (first pumping station) →mixing→grid flocculating tank→ tube settler→v filter→clear-water basin→secondary pumping station→water network. FeCl 3 is used as coagulant while Cl2 is used as disinfectant. The quality of processing water must satisfy the norm of domestic drinking water(GB5749-2006). First pumping station recently set of three 800s48-type pumps ,two ude and one space. Two long-term increase two same pumps, with three in use. Grid flocculation tank consists of ten groups, each of two Horizontal sedimentation tanks consists of two sets which are built together with Flocculation tank . V-filter consists of ten groups, each of the five sets. (Each for the filter) Clear-water reservoir were are built two sets. Keywords: water purification plant, conventional treatment, tube sedimentation tank, v filter. 目 录 1 绪论 VI 1.1 设计水质分析 VI 1.1.1 设计水质 VI 1.1.2 水质分析 7 1.2 设计水量 7 2 设计说明书 8 2.1 水厂厂址选择 8 2.2 工艺流程的选择 8 2.3 取水构造物 9 2.3.1 取水构筑物形式的选择 9 2.3.2 集水间 10 2.3.3 取


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