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摘要 LD泵浦全固态激光器从二十世纪八十年代以来获得长足的进步,紫外激光器因其在人眼安全波段,光刻的主要光源等重要应用,一直以来就是人们研究的热点。LD端面泵浦的全固态紫外激光器效率高、结构紧凑、光束质量好等优点而取代准分子激光器成为研究热点。作者也在紫外方面从理论和实验方面进行了深入细致的研究: 在被动调Q理论的指导下,充分考虑了被动调Q晶体Cr:YAG的激发态吸收效应对脉冲激光器性能的影响,延伸了Degnan的被动调Q优化理论,直接给出了优化设计过程中我们最关心的被动调Q晶体的小信号透过率与输出耦合镜的透过率关系,简化了设计程序。在高斯光束倍频理论的指导下,改进了传统的聚焦方式,使结构更为紧凑下,获得了更高的紫外功率输出,并且该结构可同时满足三倍频,四倍频的要求。在连续紫外的研究中,充分考虑到激光器输出镜的最佳透过率与倍频转换效率之间的关系,详细了计算了一定泵浦功率时的输出镜最佳透过率,并由此优化倍频晶体长度。 设计了一台高性能的脉冲1064nm红外激光器,单脉冲运转,在输入泵浦为14.5W的时候,峰值功率高达10kW以上、脉宽10ns、脉冲能量为100μJ且脉冲序列稳定,单脉冲输出。腔外一次聚焦,两次频率变换,获得了340mW的355nm脉冲输出,290mW的266nm脉冲输出,均为同等情况下国内所见报道的最好结果。 采用简单的两镜腔结构,将二倍频、三倍频频率变换晶体同时放在腔内,还实现了355nm连续激光的输出,在泵浦功率为5.6W的时候,输出功率高达15mW,这是目前报道的最好结果。 关键词:紫外激光器,优化,被动调Q,最佳聚焦,频率变换 Abstract LD pumped all solid state laser has been developed greatly since 1980s, As the use in photophobia , interests in Solid-state UV laser has increased due to the advantages of the high efficiency, impact structure ,better beam quality and high output power. Based on the theory of passively Q-switched laser, the effect of excited state absorption of the passively Q-switched crystal Cr4+:YAG on the pulse laser was considered, as the extend of Degnan’s optimization of passively Q-switched laser, the relation between the small-signal transmission of the absorber and the reflectivity of the output coupler was obtained, simplify the design. Under the direction of the theory of the Gauss beam frequency conversion, a more compact structure that satisfied the requirement of both third harmonic generation and fourth harmonic generation was got. For the continuous ultraviolet laser, the relation between the optimum transmission of the output coupler and efficiency of frequency doubling of the laser was considered, then we got the optimum crystal length. Design a stable 1064nm pulse laser with TEM00 mode, peak power above 10kW, pulse width 10ns and single pulse energy 100μJ was obtained. Used a focus spherical lens, two crystal placed around the lens focus position,. when the pumping power was 14.


xingyuxiaxiang + 关注


