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摘 要图像增强技术是图像处理领域研究的重点和热点之一,因为在图像处理中图像增强技术对于提高图像的质量起着重要作用。图像增强从处理的作用域出发,可分为空间域和频域两大类,其中频域增强是将原空间的图像以某种形式转换到其他空间,然后利用该转换空间的特有性质方便地进行图像处理,最后再转换回原空间中,从而得到处理后的图像,是一种间接增强的算法。随着科技的不断进步,尤其是计算机技术的发展,不断促进图像增强技术向前发展,图像增强技术逐步涉及人类生活和社会生产的各个方面。尤其在航空航天领域、生物医学领域、工业生产领域和公共安全领域有着广泛的应用,并产生了深远的意义。频域滤波算法已成为图像增强技术中的一种重要的处理方法,受到普遍关注和研究,深深地吸引着人们。频域表达在处理信号的时候有着很多空域不可比拟的优势,甚至有些空间域比较难以表达和分析的图像增强任务可以比较简单的在频域中表达和分析。首先,频域技术每次都利用图像中所有像素的数据,具有全局性质,有可能更好的体现图像的整体特性,如整体对比度和平均灰度值等。其次,在频域中分析图像的频率成分与图像的视觉效果间的对应关系比较直观,可以对频率进行选择性地处理。因此,频域表达处理方法在图像增强技术中有着极其重要的地位。本设计主要内容及基本过程是基于图像增强技术,利用滤波器在频域相关理论相关和设计方法及MATLAB在图像处理中的仿真技术设计验证基于图像增强的频域低通滤波算法。 关键词:图像增强 频域滤波 MATLABAbstractImage enhancement technology is in the field of image processing key and one of the hotspots, because in image processing image enhancement technique to improve the quality of the image plays an important role. Image enhancement from the scope of processing, can be divided into space domain and frequency domain two categories, including frequency domain is to increase the space of images to convert some form to other space, and then use this conversion space of the special nature convenient to image processing, and finally to convert back to the original space, thereby get processed images, it is a kind of indirect enhancement algorithm. With the progress of science and technology, especially the development of computer technology, and constantly promote the image enhancement technique of forward development, image enhancement technique gradually involving human life and social production in all its aspects. Especially in the aerospace field, biological medicine field, industrial production areas and public security area has a wide range of applications, and has produced profound significance. The frequency domain filtering algorithm of image enhancement technology has become an important processing method, been paid more attention to and study, deeply attracts the people. The frequency domain expression in processing signal has many airspace



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