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六级考试作文常见指示/标志词语 1.? 举例句for example, for instance, such as, as, just like , namely, that is----- 2.? 转折句although, but, however, yet, on the other hand, on the contrary, nevertheless, still, instead,except(除不是、没有---) 因果句 因:because, because of, for, since, for this reason, the reason is that, due to , thanks to, on account of , 果:therefore, as,result from, so, thus, ,so that, that’s why, as a result, result in, with the result that as a consequence,the consequence is,consequently accordingly----- 罗列递进句 10.罗列、排列句用语 First,firstly, first of all, at first,in the first place, to begin with, at the beginning(of),to start with;but later on, , second, secondly,also , next, too, besides; third,thirdly,even more,in addition to, in addition, additionally, furthermore,,again, moreover,What’s more, Worse still, finally,last,lastly,And last but not(不要加the) least?最后(当副词用) last but certainly not least?最后一个要点(当副词用),the last but not the least(当表语用)作为?最后同样重要----- 5.? 对比、比较、对照句式:as… as, rather than ,according to(后跟名词), according as(后跟句子), in proportion as, while, whereas, for one thing, for another;on (the)one hand,on (the)other hand;except(除不是、没有---),except for(除过是、有---),apart from-----in the past,at present;in the foreign countries,in our country;at home and abroad;for me,for other people;in class,after class;in school,out of school; 例句1. You?may?go?or?stay?according?as?you?decide. 你可要根据自己的决定而去或留。 例句2. According?as?john?said,?mary?had?passed?the?test. 据约翰说,玛丽已经通过了考试。 6.?表示方式句just like ,just as, as if, as though, in the way, in the manner,how,as the following,as follow(s) 7.? 让步句式though, although, even if , even though, but even so, in spite of ,when, granting that, granted that, admitting that, for all that, in spite of, whereas, while, after all, yet,albeit---- 例句1.Charless letter was indeed published, albeit in a somewhat abbreviated form 尽管有所删节,查尔斯的信确实被刊登出来了。 例句2. And?Britain?has?done?it?too,?albeit?modestly. 英国也做过同样的事情,尽管幅度较小。 例句3.Even?mothballed?myanmar?is?coming?along,?albeit?s


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