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网络经济学复习资料整理 导语--网络经济学的界定 网络经济的内涵: 狭义上指计算机网络为核心的信息产业群; 广义上除了狭义外包括利用网络技术,使其组织结构管理方式和运作方式网络化了的传统经济。 网络经济的特点(三点): 经济形态这一最高层面看,网络经济就是有别于游牧经济、农业经济、工业经济的信息经济或只是经济,由于所说的网络是数字网络,所以它又是数字经济。 从产业发展中观层面看,网络经济就是与电子商务紧密相连的网络产业,既包括网络贸易、网络银行、网络企业以及其他商务行网络活动,又包括网络基础设施、网络设备和产品以及各种网络服务的建设、生产和提供等经济活动。 从企业营销、居民消费或投资的围观层面看。网络经济则是一个网络大市场或大型虚拟市场。 网络经济研究对象: 网络经济学就是研究网络经济条件下资源的优化配置和充分利用问题每一美元所能买到的电脑性能,将每隔18个月翻两倍以上。这一定律揭示了信息技术进步的速度。广义的风险投资泛指一切具有高风险、高潜在收益的投资;狭义的风险投资是指以高新技术为基础,生产与经营技术密集型产品的投资。 它是专门为中小高新技术企业或快速成长的企业而设立的证券融资市场 relevant equipment, protective and secondary pollution prevention measures and urge the relevant units to protect finished work; J) equipment defect elimination during the commissioning and trial operation of the system, you must handle the repair ticket, isolation and protection measures of the adjacent equipment. 4 project implementation of the standard rules and excellence is our standard and excellence to the community shows relevant equipment, protective and secondary pollution prevention measures and urge the relevant units to protect finished work; J) equipment defect elimination during the commissioning and trial operation of the system, you must handle the repair ticket, isolation and protection measures of the adjacent equipment. 4 project implementation of the standard rules and excellence is our standard and excellence to the community shows relevant equipment, protective and secondary pollution prevention measures and urge the relevant units to protect finished work; J) equipment defect elimination during the commissioning and trial operation of the system, you must handle the repair ticket, isolation and protection measures of the adjacent equipment. 4 project implementation of the standard rules and excellence is our standard and excellence to the community shows


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