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[化学]The Mechanism of Lithium-Halogen Exchange
The Mechanism of Lithium-Halogen Exchange
R1 X Li R2 Li R1 R2 X
MacMillan Group Meeting
February 22, 2007
Sandra Lee
Key Articles:
Bailey, W. F.; Patricia, J. J. J. Organomet. Chem. 1988, 352, 1–46.
Seyferth, D. Organometallics 2006, 25, 2–24.
Schlosser, M. Organoalkali Chemistry. In Organometallics in Sy nthesis, A Manual: Schlosser, M., Ed; Wiley
Sons LTD: West Sussex, U. K. 2002, pp 5–352.
Beginnings of Main-Group Organometallic Chemistry
■ Me Zn: The first main group organometallic compound was discovered
by Frankland in 1849
When, on Jul y 28, 1848, Edwar d Fr ankl and, then a 23-year-ol d facul ty member of Queenwood
Col l ege i n Hampshi r e, Engl and, fi l l ed a thi ck-wal l ed gl ass tube wi th fi nel y gr anul ated zi nc
and ethyl i odi de and then seal ed i t, he di d not r eal i ze that he had set up the r eacti on
that woul d pr oduce the fi rst mai n-gr oup or ganometal l i c compounds, ethyl zi nc i odi de and
di ethyl zi nc... Hi s goal was the pr epar ati on and i sol ati on of the ethyl “r adi cal ”.
■ Lithium organic compounds: physical and chemical properties
The small size of Li+ compared to other the other alkali-metal cations results in a much greater polarizing power
(i.e. charge density)
covalent ionic
Li+ = 1.66
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