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《教育变革之道》丛书 总序 教育科学出版社2010年出版 探究返璞归真的教育变革之道 —— 兼论中国远程教育整体创新的思路和趋势 桑新民 (南京大学 教育研究院 网络化学习与管理研究所,江苏南京 210093) [摘 要]本文从21世纪信息化与全球化合流的大趋势着眼,在理论与实践结合上系统探讨了教育变革的规律和趋势,深刻剖析了导致我国社会和教育之异化的两只“看不见的手”:“行政化”(官本位)和“商品化”(钱本位),提出教育变革的一个重要趋势是返璞归真。论文还在大教育的广阔视野中对中国远程教育创新发展进行了整体思考,解读了在信息技术浪潮中突现的中国现代远程教育三大舞台,提出当前我国远程教育发展中必须实现的三大转变,论证了从五个方面综合推进远程教育整体改革持续深化的思路。作者认为远程教育的本质属性是一种超越面对面之传统学校教育时空的学习形式,因此也必然是一种以学生自学为主的学习形式或受教育形式,这其实是教育冲破时空束缚而获得的一种重大解放和自由,也正是现代远程教育最重要的价值和希望之所在。 Exploring the Tao of Educational Change by Returning to the Nature: The Ideas and Trends of Systemic Innovation for China Distance Education Sang Xinmin Institute for Education, Nanjing University, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, 210093 Abstract: In this article, the author discusses the principles and trends of educational change from bridging theory and practice grounded in the divergence of information technology and globalization in 21st century. Two invisible hands which make society and education abnormal are proposed: bureaucratization (power-oriented) and commercialization (money-oriented). For breaking these two hands, the author argues that returning the nature is the only way. In this background, the author explores the way of systemic innovation for China distance education from the perspective of general education. He proposes that, three stages are emerged from the tide of information technology development for China distance education and three changes must be achieved for further prosperity. There are five ways for us to deepen the change of China distance education systemically. The author argues that, the nature of distance education is self-regulated learning and it is a liberation of learning from constrains of time and space essentially. In this case, distance education is hopeful. Key Words: 21st century, educational change, distance education, learning innovation [关键词] 21世纪;教育变革;远程教育 学习创新 [中图分类号] [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 刚刚过去的10年,是人类纪元史上第三个千年历史的开端,它给人们留下太多的思考,尤其让世人更深切地感受到21世纪的时代精神与人类命运,并将由此揭开在文化教育的变革中选


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