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A Pioneer For All People Question 1 Question 2 Of this land of the earth, how much can be used for farming? Question 3 Of this arable (可耕种的)land, how much is actually used for farming? Nowadays, the farmland is becoming less and less. population What is the trend(趋势) of the world population? Problem How can we feed so many people with limited farmland? For China, it is a even more serious problem. Why? Solution a great scientist---- Yuan Longping Match Para1 A. Dr Yuan’s dreams. Para2 B. Dr Yuan’s personality his hobbies. Para3 C. Dr Yuan’s biography(传记) his achievements. Para4 D. Dr Yuan’s appearance and his invention. Para 1 Dr Yuan’s appearance and his invention para2 Dr Yuan’s biography his achievements Para 3 Dr Yuan’s personality his hobbies Para 4 Dr Yuan’s dreams what adjs can we use to describe Dr.Yuan diligent (hard-working), lively, energetic, music-loving, busy, ambitious, simple, plain, generous, devoted, intelligent, modest, strong-willed, pioneering, creative, determined, considerate, open-minded, straight-forward…… Discussion Several years ago, a newspaper reported that Yuan Longping bought a luxurious(奢华的)car—Benz. Some people thought Dr. Yuan should deserve it, while others thought being the model of workers and farmers, it was not proper for him to drive such a luxurious car. What is your opinion? Slogans(口号) Since 1981, Oct. 16th has been the World Food Day. Suppose on that day this year your class will ask everyone of you to write a slogan about food. What slogan will you write? ( no food, no tomorrow) find solutions As the problem of hunger is far from being solved, what can we do to help solve this problem? Homework 1. do exercises on P12 2. Preview the passage on P14 *


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