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Lead-in Q: What does “Boom Shakalaka” mean? A: Boom Shakalaka… is a term used in the 80’s in NBA Game. In popular culture means “TO SEE WHO IS THE BOSS NOW!” Boom Shakalaka…是一个术语,用于80年代NBA运动中,意思是“在流行文化中,看看谁现在是老大! 看NBA的时候 球员打篮球扣篮成功后解说员都会情不自禁这么说~ Impromptu NBA commentaries, different from other language style such as advertising, news and speech and so on, is as wonderful, vivid and colorful as NBA game itself, and shows its different style for the particular situation and the event itself. NBA即席解说词正如NBA比赛本身一样精彩、生动、丰富,它与其他语言文体如广告、新闻、演讲等大不相同,表现出自身独特的特点。 Phonological Level Phonological level is the expression or realization of language in its spoken form. What NBA is the most attractive is that the commentator often brings audience to the climax by using different phonological features according to different situations. Impromptu NBA commentaries have distinguished prosodic features like stress, tempo, pause, length and loudness which make a greater contribution to the meaning expressing. Example He pitch in the three. Five countdown to four, Hedo Turkoglu, Got it, Hedo Turkoglu delivers, Orlando by 39 times reminding. Hedo Turkoglu delivered 3, Isolation NBA. He beats the buzzer! HE GOT IT! (Tips:关键球Clutch shot 绝杀buzzer beater ) Example There are only 5 sentences and 35 words in the sample, but it gives a good image of the wide range of phonological features that a professional commentator may use when confronted with a game that fluctuates rapidly and dramatically. Lexical Level At the lexical level, impromptu NBA commentaries have such striking features as simple structuring words, low lexical density, frequent use of proper nouns and verbs, many occurrences of technical terms and sports jargons, frequent use of phrase repetition, and there are no fillers. Lexical Level 1.Proper nouns The frequency of proper nouns like names of players and teams is very high. It is well known that players are the highlight, and the NBA commentators try to report a



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