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Choose a letter and do as instructed 2. Which city is the capital of the USA? A . New York B. Washington D.C C. Los Angeles 5 Speak out American famous city as much as possible. 华盛顿(Washington)纽约(New York)洛杉矶(Los Angeles)芝加哥(Chicago ) 波士顿(Boston)费城(Philadelphia) … Read the passage and try to fill in the form ( You can have a discussion in groups) Discussion A land of Diversity 1. Which flag is American flag? A B C D 3. How many states are there in the USA? A. B. C. D. 47 48 49 50 4. Where is California? A. B. E. C. D. 6 Do you know it? Disney Park 坐落于美国加利福尼亚州洛杉矶山顶之上的好莱坞标志可以俯瞰洛杉矶绝大部分景色,并且已经成为国际公认的美国电影产业故乡的代表。 7 Do you know its meaning? American films industry CALIFORNIA (the Golden State) 1.Lying on the Pacific Ocean, California ,which has an area of 411,ooo square kilometers, is on the west coast of the United States. 2. Meanwhile ,its pleasant weather and graceful natural landscape make the tourism prosperous. Read the text fast and try to divide the text into three parts Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 The of California The of settlement in California . introduction history The future Fast reading Detailed reading At least 15 fifteen thousand years ago Native Americans arrivals Worked in ship aircraft industries 1942-1945 Africans In the early 1800s Russians Fought against the native people and took their land/ taught the Catholic religion to the natives In the 18th century Spanish Built the colonies In the 16th century Europeans Event Time People Stage Build the railway Chinese Later arrivals Worked in ship aircraft industries 1942-1945 Africans Developed industry Jewish Established a town Denmark Farmed Japanese Fished and made wine Italians Event Time People Stage 1860s In the late 19th century By 1920s At the beginning of the 20th century 1911 How did the native Americans arrive California? crossed the Bering Str


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