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本 科 毕 业 论 文 1000吨四柱液压机台面及顶出机构设计1000 Ton Four-column Hydraulic Press Table and Design of the Ejector Mechanism全套图纸,联系学生学号: 学生姓名: 专业班级: 指导教师姓名: 指导教师职称: 2012年 6 月 1000吨四柱液压机台面及顶出机构设计摘要 液压机是一种以液体为工作介质,用来传递能量以实现各种工艺的机器。液压机被广泛引用于机械工业的许多领域,例如在锻压(塑性加工)领域中,液压机被广泛用于自由锻造、模锻、冲压(板料成形)、挤压、剪切、拉拔成形及超塑性成形等许多工艺中;而在机械工程的其他领域,液压机更被应用于粉末制品、塑料制品、金刚石成形、校正压装、打包、压砖、橡胶注塑成形、海绵钛加工、人造板热压,乃至炸药模压等十分广泛的不同工业领域。 液压机本体一般由机架、液压(工作及回程)缸部件运动部分及其导向装置以及其他辅助装置组成。辅助装置则是根据工艺需要而增设,如顶出装置、穿孔装置、移动工作台、加热保温装置等。 工艺要求是影响液压机本体结构形式的主要因素,由于在不同液压机上完成的工艺是多种多样的,因此液压机的本体结构形式也必然是多种多样的。从机架形式看,有立式与卧式;从机架组成方式看,有梁柱组合式、单柱式、框架式、钢丝缠绕预应力牌坊式、圆筒式及钢筋混凝土整体浇铸式等。 本次设计的液压机为三梁四柱式液压机,用来处理长轴类工件。因为工件处理时温度较高所以着重设计台面及顶出装置来方便工件放置在预定位置。经过三个月的设计最终确定了在台面上加装轨道小车和两个液压缸分别作为工件移入和顶出工作位的装置。关键词:液压机 结构 工艺 1000 ton four-column hydraulic press table and design of the ejector mechanismAbstract Hydraulic press is a liquid as job medium, used to transfer energy to achieve a process of machine. Hydraulic press is widely referenced in many areas of machinery industry, For example in the field of the forging (plastic processing), Hydraulic machines are widely used such as in free forging, drop forging and stamping (for sheet metal forming), extraction, extrusion, shear forming and superplastic forming in many processes; In other fields of mechanical engineering, Hydraulic press was also applied to the powder products, plastic products, Pack, package, diamond shape, correct pressure press, rubber molding, processing, plywood hot-pressing of titanium sponge, and even the very wide range of different industrial areas such as explosives molded. The hydraulic machine body is generally composed of rack , hydraulic ( work and return ) the moving parts and the guide of the cylinder component , and other assistive devices. Auxiliary devices is according to the demand and the creation, such as ejection, perforation equipment, mobile Workbench, heat insulation device. Process requirements are major factors affecting the ontological structure of hydraulic machine,


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