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摩托车光导前位置灯的改装设计专业:机械设计制造及其自动化班级:122班姓名:指导教师:摘要摩托车的使用是非常方便的,因此十分受到大家的欢迎。而本文研究的摩托车位置灯是摩托车车灯中非常重要的一种。位置灯是在光线较暗时用来标志车辆的形位,给行人或其他车辆起警示作用,避免看不见而发生危险。本文设计的位置灯是采用LED颗粒发光,通过光导管将光传导输出,解决传统车灯亮度低,方向性差等问题,但LED车灯散热严重,于是采用结合铝基板和驱动电路板分离的结构,大大的降低了LED颗粒由于热量集中而导致的失效或光输出下降的问题,其结构可以满足GB17510-2008《摩托车光信号装置配光性能》要求。关键词LED车灯光导管铝基板散热摩托车Modification design of position lamp for motorcycleProfession: mechanical engineering and automation Class:jizi122Name : Ding Dajun instructor : Jiang JieAbstractAs a simple means of transport, the motorcycle is very popular now.In this paper, the position lamp of motorcycle is a very important one.The position lamp is used to mark the shape of the vehicle when the light is dark, Position lamp, instrument lighting lamp and license plate lights at the same time, in order to mark the vehicles shape, to indicate the width of the car to remind each other and after the car which can warn other vehicles to avoid danger.In this paper, the design of the position lamp is the use of LED particles of light, through the light guide tube to the output, to solve the traditional lamp brightness low, poor direction and other issues.Although the light pipe front position lamp it has advantages of good monochromaticity, good directivity, high brightness, good coherence, but it has its limitations.But LED lamp cooling is serious, so the use of combination of aluminum substrate and drive circuit board separation structure, greatly reduce the LED particles due to the heat concentration caused by failure or light output decline.The structure can meet the requirement of GB17510-2008 light signal matching performance of motorcycle.KeywordsLEDlightingLight guide tubeAluminum substratedissipate heat motorcycle目录摘要ⅠABSTRCCTⅡ第一章绪论11.1课题背景及意义11.2毕业设计主要内容及结构2第二章位置灯的材料32.1引言32.2 CATIA软件32.3 材料的选择32.3.1 灯罩材料的选择32.3.2 灯壳材料的选择52.4 本章小结8第三章位置灯的结构设计93.1 引言93.2灯壳形状设计93.2.1 CAS面的制作93.2.2 LED颗粒选择93.2.3 光导管的选择113.3铝基板123.4集成电路133.5本章小结14第四章第一次热模拟试验154.1 引言154.2 热模拟154.3 实验结果和结论154.3.1 环境温度


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