AATCC 135织物经家用洗涤后尺寸变化.doc

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AATCC 135织物经家用洗涤后尺寸变化

Scope 范围 To determine the dimensional changes of fabrics when subjected to home laundering procedures used by consumers. 测定织物经家庭洗烫后的尺寸变化。 Principle 原理 The dimensional changes of fabric specimens subjected to home laundering care are measured using pairs of bench-marks applied to the fabric before laundering. 洗前用记号笔在试样上做几对标注并测量其经过家庭洗涤后尺寸的变化。 Apparatus / Material 仪器/材料 Automatic washing machine 自动洗衣机, Automatic tumble dryer 自动烘干机, Conditioning / Drying racks with pull-out screens or perforated shelves 可推拉、带筛孔的可调/ 烘干架或有孔架子, Facilities for drip drying and line drying 滴干和挂干设备, 1993 AATCC Standard Reference Detergent 1993 AATCC 标准洗涤剂, Dummy load of 920 ( 920 mm (36( ( 36() hemmed pieces bleached cotton sheeting 陪洗布片为920 ( 920 mm (36( ( 36()大小的包边漂白棉, Indelible ink marking pen, sewing thread can be used to make bench marks 不掉色的记号笔,用作包边的缝纫线, Measuring tape, marked in mm, 0.125( or 0.1( 有毫米标志的皮尺,精度为0.125(或 0.1(, Scale / Balance with at least 5.0 kg or 10.0 lb capacity 天平的容量至少为5.0 kg或10.0 lb 。 Procedure 程序 Sample Preparation 样品准备 Sampling and Preparation 取样和准备 In the case where AATCC 124 and 135 are performed on the same specimens, some woven fabric constructions may require the specimen edges to be sewn or over-edged to prevent severe raveling that could cause entanglement in washing or drying, and therefore influence the assessment of both dimensional change and smoothness. 在采用AATCC124和135标准对同一样品作测试时,一些梭织结构的织物也许要求缝布边或者穿边以防止严重组织脱散可能导致在洗水或干洗过程中纠缠,并因此影响对织物尺寸变化和平滑度的评定。 Prior to marking, condition by laying the specimens separately on the screens or perforated shelves of a conditioning rack for at least 4 hours at 21 ( 1(C (70 ( 2 (F) and 65 ( 2 % RH. 在作标记前,样品要在温度21 ( 1(C(70 ( 2 (F)和湿度65 ( 2 % RH条件 下,分别放置在筛网上或有孔的架子上至少4小时; Lay the sample on a flat surface. Do not allow any section of the sample to hang over the edge of the work table. 把样品放在水平面上,勿将样品的任何部分悬挂在工作台的边缘上. Avoid use of the sample area within ten percent


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