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尊敬的各位来宾,亲爱的老师们、同学们:大家早上好!Distinguished guests, dear alumni, faculties and students, good morning to all of you今天,我们怀着无比激动与喜悦的心情相聚在这里,共庆中央民族大学建校60周年。在这喜庆的日子里,我谨代表中央民族大学全体在校师生,向光临今天庆祝活动的各位领导、各位嘉宾,向来自四面八方的各位校友,表示热烈的欢迎和衷心的感谢!感谢你们在百忙中出席庆典,共襄盛举,见证这一历史时刻。Today we are gathered here excitedly and happily to celebrate the 60th anniversary of Minzu University’s establishment. In this cheerful day, on behalfof all Minzu University’s faculty and students, Iextend my warmly welcome and cordial gratefulness to all of distinguished guests and alumni from far and near. Thank you all of you to participate this exciting anniversary in good faith and witness this historic moment.中央民族大学是中国共产党和中央人民政府为解决民族问题,培养少数民族干部和高级专门人才而于1951年创建的高等学校。在党和国家的高度重视下,学校1978年被批准为国家重点大学,1999年、2004年先后进入“211工程”和“985工程”国家重点建设大学行列。时光荏苒,学校创办至今整整一个花甲。60年的风雨兼程,几代人的心血浇灌。60年来,中央民族大学在党和国家的亲切关怀下,在国家民委直接领导下,逐步发展成为以文科为主体,以民族学科为特色,“文、理、艺、管”各科兼备的社会主义综合大学。Minzu University was established in 1951 under the CCP and central government’s instruction in order to solve ethnic problems, develop leaders from ethnic minorities and train high-level professionals. Because of CCP and government’s high attention, our university was recognized as one of the national key universities. And ranked in “211 project” and “985 project”(two projects of construction of high-level universities).Time flies as an arrow; our university has been established for 60 years since 1951. During the past 60 years, we have gone through trials and hardships; we have dedicated ourselves heart and soul. Under the loving care of the party and government and direct leadership of State Ethnic Affairs Commission, our universityhas developed as a comprehensive socialistic university including disciplines of “liberal arts, science, fine arts and administration” in which liberal arts is the body and ethnic disciplines are features. 今天之民大,拥有18个学院,覆盖10个学科门类的69个本科专业,60个硕士学位授权点,1个公共管理专业硕士(MPA)授权点,23个博士学位授权点,为培养杰出人才提供了强有力的保证。学校拥有一支高素质、高水平、民族成分众多的师资队伍,拥有专职教师1000余人,其中正副教授529名


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