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服 务 指 南 Service Directory 总经理致词 总经理: 总经理: Dear guest, Welcome to stay at YULONG INTERNATIONAL COMMERCE HOTEL During the period of your staying , we will offer thoughtful,warm and careful service with our sincere heart to you!Let you fully feel the warmth and mystery of “YULONG”! In journey,YULONG travels together with you! In commercial discussion ,YULONG accompanies you to succeed! Welcome to our hotel next time. GGeneral Manager: 保护地球 从我做起 创建绿色饭店 倡导绿色消费 E您或许已经亲身感受到我们生存的环境正变得越来越令人担忧,水域污染使您可以垂钓、游泳的湖泊与河流已难以找到,而温室效应使“瑞雪兆丰年”将成为一个日益遥远的谚语。 为了保护我们的生存环境,节约资源,为了让我们与子孙后代共享的家园铺满绿色,为了使水更清、天更蓝,请参与我们的“创建绿色饭店”活动,酒店已在各区域推出一系列“绿色服务”和“绿色产品”。 Have you experienced a sense of lost at the deteriorating environment? Think of the vanishing water reserves once perfect for swimming or angling, and global warming which has in some places of our planet made show along lost friend. To protect the living environment and respond to our governments call, we are running a campaign for green hotel. A number of green events have been set off in major service areas of the hotel and the choices are yours. 当您在餐厅就餐时,请适量点菜,我们很高兴为您提供打包和存酒服务。餐厅将向您推荐绿色食品,它们将更有益于您的健康。 Please order a proper quantity of dishes while having meals at the dining hall; It will be a pleasure for us to provide you with a packing and wine-storing service. For the benefit of you health, we recommend green food. As a rule no endangered animals are used as ingredients in our cuisine. 为了节约水资源,减少污染,通常我们将不更换可重复使用的棉织品。客房里备有卡片告示,您若需要更换可告知我们。 In an effort to reduce pollution by controlling water consumption, we no longer change the bed linen as daily routine. In case you desire a change, please use the notice card to let us know, we are very willing to do so. 我们还为您准备了无烟客房,供您选择。吸烟前,请确认是否在无烟区域。 And for the non-smokers, we offer the alternative of Non-smoking Floor. Prior smoking, please confirm whether you are at a no-smoking area. 一次性消耗品的过度使用导致污染和浪费,因此请您尽量减少使用。在未用完之前,我们将不再添加,您需要时可致电房务中心。离开客


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