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Hypertension combination therapy (ACEIs combine CCBs);Outline;Hypertension;CVD Risk Factors;Classification of hypertension (JNC 7); ESH/ESC 2007 Classification of hypertension ;Recommended BP goals (ESH/ESC 2007);Treatment guidelines (ESH/ESC 2007);NICE;Lessons from recent large trials in hypertension;The JNC 7;Algorithm for Treatment of Hypertension ;Classification of antihypertension drugs;Compelling Indications for Individual Drug Classes;;;Possible combinations of different classes of antihypertensive agents;Target BP (mm Hg);;;ALLHAT trials;ALLHAT trials;ALLHAT trials;ALLHAT trials;;ALLHAT trials;ACEIs Combine CCBs;Poor Compliance and Persistence with Antihypertensive Treatment;Better Compliance with Antihypertensive Drugs Leads to a Lower Risk of Hospitalization;鈣離子通道阻斷劑/腎素血管收縮素系統抑制劑的互補療效:減低與CCB有關的水腫;Adverse events;ACEIs;;ACEIs Combine CCBs;PICO;Outline;;ACEIs and CCBs;ACEIs and CCBs;Effect of ramipril plus felodipine on SBP in patients with hypertension Ramipril–felodipine 5 mg/5 mg, ramipril 10 mg and felodipine 9 mg groups all had a significant reduction from baseline in median SBP at study endpoint;﹡p0.0001 vs. baseline ﹡﹡p=0.02 for fixed-dose combination vs. felodipine monotherapy Patients with hypertension; intention-to-treat population;Responder rate compared with monotherapy;Adverse event (AE);Summary;Outline;;;;;Area of square is proportional to the amount of statistical information available;Tertiary Silent MI Unstable angina Chronic stable angina Peripheral arterial disease Life-threatening arrhythmias New-onset type 2 diabetes New-onset renal impairment Post-hoc Primary endpoint + coronary revascularisation procedures CV death + MI + stroke;ASCOT ;ASCOT adverse events;ASCOT conclusions;;INVEST ;;;;INVEST;Summary;;Background;Methods;Patients;Inclusion Criteria;;Exclusion Criteria;Procedures;;Procedures;End points;;;Systolic Blood Pressure Over Time;;;;;;Summary;Discussion;Discussion;The HOT study;The HOT study ;The HOT study ;The HOT study ;L


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