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What are keywords? Keywords are those words unusually frequent in one text or genre in comparison with some norm/reference. E.g. in tourism English, hotel, ticket booking, luggage, tour guide, routes, flight, coach etc are highly frequent, thus viewed as keywords in this genre. How key is a keyword? Keyness as a measure of significance difference Log likelihood/chi-square test Positive keywords as significant overused words in the study corpus Negative keywords as significant underused words in the study corpus How large should a reference corpus be? Tony Berber-Sardinha (2000) reports that a reference corpus that is five times as large as the study corpus yielded a larger number of keywords than a smaller reference corpus. ... There seems to be no need for using extremely large reference corpora, given that the number of keywords do not seem to change by using corpora larger than five times the size of the study corpus. /anthology/W/W00/W00-0902.pdf Please note Do check the box “Treat all data as lower case” in both Word List and Keyword List tabs. See the screen captures in the next two slides. How to interpret keyword lists? Categorize words of similar grammatical or semantic properties Make sense of the groups of key words in a coherent framework. Applications of keyword analysis If we have Chinese learners’ English texts and NS English texts… ..\Data\NNS_TXT\WECCL\raw\ 468 texts \Data\NS_TXT\dataset2\raw\aca\ 15 texts Applications of keyword analysis If we have Chinese learners’ English texts and NS English texts… The overused vocabulary of Chinese learners of English. I, think, you, can, should,… Applications of keyword analysis If we have American English texts and British English texts … Americanisms Gonna, center, elevator… Applications of keyword analysis If we have some business texts (letters, reports, documents) and general purpose English texts… A list of business English vocabulary. Applications of keyword analysis If we have some medical tex


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