1878kj_英语牛津版必修2 wish you were here-Word power课件ppt.ppt

1878kj_英语牛津版必修2 wish you were here-Word power课件ppt.ppt

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1878kj_英语牛津版必修2 wish you were here-Word power课件ppt

1. Do you think Colin has made good preparations for his travels? 2. If you were his best friend, what suggestions would you give him? backpack tent towel life jacket water-proof matches sleeping bag candles pan parka compass boots books camera pocket knife * Beijing Temple of Heaven 天坛 Shanghai 浙江千岛湖 Hong Kong 南京中山陵 西藏布达拉宫 四川乐山大佛 西安兵马俑 甘肃敦煌壁画 洛阳龙门石窟 扬州瘦西湖 1. Have you ever been to any of these places? 2. Tell us about your travelling experiences? Suppose you want to plan a holiday with your friends, what kind of things will you plan to take? Why to take them What to take Kenya Tanzania the Sahara Morocco Nile sleeping-bag, a torch special clothing, helmet, life jacket backpack, food, water Why to take them What to take The items Colin wants to take on his holiday life jacket pan parka boots extra clothes for white-water rafting cook food for trekking in the mountains To keep warm in the mountains tent sleeping bag to sleep in to keep warm What else? digital camera MP3 torch candles food money mobile phone towel Guess what it is!


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