体育美联英语 被历史遗忘的10种有趣的运动(下).docVIP

体育美联英语 被历史遗忘的10种有趣的运动(下).doc

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体育美联英语 被历史遗忘的10种有趣的运动(下)

小编给你一个美联英语官方免费试听课申请链接: /test/waijiao.aspx?tid=16-73675-0 美联英语提供:体育英语 被历史遗忘的10种有趣的运动(下) 5.Cock Shying 5.扔公鸡 Cock-shying, also known as cock throwing, was a blood sport practiced throughout most of England up until the 18th century. If youre looking at the name and thinking this was a cruel game wherein people threw a rooster as far as they could relax, its not that. 扔公鸡的另一种英文写法为cock throwing,是一项凶残的运动,英国大部分地区直到18世纪都十分流行。你看到这个名字也许会自动脑补人们残忍地把公鸡像铅球一样扔得老远的画面。放心,事实没那么简单。 扔公鸡 Actually, people threw things at the rooster until they killed it. Specifically, they threw weighted sticks called coksteles. Lacking a cokstele, regular cudgels would do. This tradition was associated for centuries with Shrove Tuesday (aka Pancake Day, the last day before Lent). However, cock-shying was frequently practiced at pubs just for the fun of it梐nd for the chance of winning a rooster. The bird would be taken outside and tied to a post with a few feet of freedom so it could evade incoming sticks. Players would throw their coksteles at the rooster, and spectators would bet on the outcome. If a player hit the rooster without killing it, he was allowed to try to grab the dazed bird before it recovered. If he succeeded, he could take it home. As with eel pulling, there was an attempt to ban cock-shying that also went poorly. In 1660, on the day before Shrove Tuesday, the practice was banned in Bristol. The next day, a riot broke out. The rioters threw dogs and cats at the mayors house in protest. 这项运动实际上是向公鸡扔东西直到它被砸死。人们朝公鸡扔一种叫公鸡棒的特制加重棍子。如果没有公鸡棒,其它棍棒也可以拿来使用。该传统与几个世纪以来的忏悔日,又叫薄饼日,即大斋节的前一天有关。然而扔公鸡常常成为酒吧的乐子——这也是赢得公鸡的好机会。大家会走到室外把公鸡拴在柱子上,拴公鸡的绳子有几尺长,让公鸡能够躲避迎面扔来的棍子。参赛者负责向公鸡扔棒子,观众则可下注。如果参赛者把公鸡砸晕,只要他能在公鸡醒来之前将其抓住,就能把公鸡带回家。与拉鳗鱼一样,政府曾试图禁止扔公鸡运动,但成效甚微。1660年,布里斯托尔政府在忏悔日前一天明令禁止该运动项目,第二天就发生了暴乱行为。暴乱者向市长家里扔猫猫狗狗以示抗议。 4.Stoolball 4.老式板球 老式板球 Unlike most other entries on this list, stoolball is a sport that is still occasionally played in small areas of southeast England. Its origins trace back to the 14th century in S


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