Empirical Corporate Finance(PPT 113).ppt

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Empirical Corporate Finance(PPT 113)

Empirical Corporate Finance Prepared by Xue Shuang (薛爽) Zhu Kai(朱凯) Grade Class participation (20%) Proposal (30%) Final Examination (50%) Requirement for Participation Ordinary participation Presentation for the selected papers Capital Structure (3 topics) IPO (1 topics) SEO (1 topics) Dividends (1 topics) Takeover (1 topics) Sheridan Titman; Roberto Wessels, The Determinants of Capital Structure Choice, The Journal of Finance Vol. 43, No. 1 (Mar., 1988), pp. 1-19 Owen Lamont, Cash Flow and Investment: Evidence from Internal Capital Markets, The Journal of Finance ,Vol. 52, No. 1 (Mar., 1997), pp. 83-109 Tim Loughran; Jay R. Ritter, The New Issues Puzzle, The Journal of Finance, Vol. 50, No. 1 (Mar., 1995), pp. 23-51. Roni Michaely; Wayne H. Shaw, The Pricing of Initial Public Offerings: Tests of Adverse-Selection and Signaling Theories, The Review of Financial Studies, Vol. 7, No. 2 (Summer, 1994), pp. 279-319 Shlomo Benartzi. et., 1997 Do changes in dividends signal the future or the past. The Journal of Finance,vol52. Healy, Paul,1992,Does corporate performance improve after mergers? JFE 31,135-175. Requirement for Proposal Database Main findings Procedure of programming (SAS is prefered) References Main: Advanced Corporate Finance Other: Empirical Corporate Finance(Vol I-IV) Handbook of Economics of Finance, 1(A+B) Copeland,Weston, Shastri, Financial Theory and Corporate Policy Journals in Finance Tops Journal of Finance (Jstor) Journal of Financial Economics Review of Financial Studies (Jstor) B Journals Journal of Corporate Finance Journal of Financial Research Financial Management Journal of Quantitative and Financial Analysis (Jstor) Journal of Banking and Finance Related Journals American Economic Review (Jstor) Quarterly Journal of Economics (Jstor) Journal of Law and Economics Journal of Business (Jstor) Working Papers on NET Journals in Chinese 经济研究 经济学季刊 金融研究 会计研究 中国会计与财务研究(CAFR) 中国会计评论 上证研究 深圳交易所研究报告( ) There is no fac


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