出国留学资料-留学申请个人陈述-法律Law_personal_statement-5 -出国留学 个人陈述.docx

出国留学资料-留学申请个人陈述-法律Law_personal_statement-5 -出国留学 个人陈述.docx

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出国留学资料-留学申请个人陈述-法律Law_personal_statement-5 -出国留学 个人陈述

‘ 好老师在线 资料中心大学生兼职交流群 249513919大学生志愿者群国留学群 200203599高考志愿交流 252055724公务员考试交流 276680125教师资格考试群 256679111毕业就业求职群 249440533管理/金融交流群 108785296考研交流群生家长交流群 250469437职业培训交流群 250469437青年创业同盟 202486294 Personal statements If exams were spoken you would pass with flying colors this is the very statement that fuelled my desire to read Law at degree level. My ambition to read Law can be traced back to my childhood as I sat watching lawyers helping people in need. The image of a client smiling at their lawyers hard work is imprinted in my mind. The thirst to help people further stems my desire to read Law. To me, law is about helping people in need whether serving justice in a court room or as simple as helping someone buy a home. I have recently engrossed myself in the likes of Learning the Law by Williams, and The Law Machine by Berlins and Dyer. These have provided me with an insight into the workings of the UK and US legal systems. Further they have raised my awareness of how far ethics and morality are entwined within the legal system. An area of interest is the death penalty which still exists in the US, the ethics and morals surrounding this law are rather controversial and it is this controversy which makes the reading of Law such a great attraction. I believe that my passion and interest in reading law holds me in good stead to be an engaged and successful law student. My time in education to date has instilled and developed in me the skills necessary to read Law at a higher level. Being a current member of the school debating club further contributed to my confidence in arguing cases with efficiency and potency. Membership in the debating club requires researching information, highlighting the vital and controversial issues, structuring my understanding in a logical way, and delivering an argument in a coherent manner. I am also currently a prefect at the college, so I am instilled in almost every aspect of college life and always being read to give a


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