Thomas Carlyle(托马斯.卡莱尔).ppt

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Thomas Carlyle(托马斯.卡莱尔)

Thomas Carlyle (1795—1881) 托马斯·卡莱尔 Thomas Carlyle (1795—1881) Major Works 1. Life of Schiller (1823—24) 《席勒传》, an introduction of German literature 2. translation of Goethe’s Wilhelm Meister (1824) 《威廉·迈斯特》 3. Sartor Resartus, (1838) 《成衣匠改制》, the first original work Major Works 4. The French revolution (1837) 《法国革命》, literary reputation as a great writer 5.On Heroes, Hero-Worship and the Heroic in History (1841), 《论英雄与英雄崇拜和历史上的英雄事迹》, the most well-known Major Works 6. Past and Present (1843), 《过去和现在》 7. Letters and Speeches of Oliver Cromwell 《克伦威尔》 8. The History of Frederick the Great (1858—1965) 《腓特烈大帝史》 Sartor Resartus 《成衣匠改制》《衣服哲学》 The French Revolution Comments 1. Carlyle’ literary criticism: 2. Carlyle’s mission: 3. German romanticism 4. “the Sage of Chelsea” “切尔西哲圣” Comments 5. Engels: Thomas Carlyle has the merit of having opposed the bourgeoisie in literature… 6. Writing style: raw material, archaic words, invented in German manner, overinflated and tasteless, brilliant, original John Ruskin (1819—1900) 约翰·罗斯金 John Ruskin(1819—1900) Major Works (p.310) 1. Modern Painters 《现代画家》 2. The Seven Lamps of Architecture《建筑的七盏明灯》 3. The Stones of Venice《威尼斯的石头》 Major Works 4. Unto This Last           《给那后来的》《时至今日》 5. Munera Pulveris《经济学释义》 6. Sesame and Lilies          《芝麻与百合花》 Major Works 7. The King of the Golden River 《金河之王》 8. Praeterita  《往昔》 9. Fors Clavigera           《致大不列颠工人和劳动者的信》 Ruskin’s Art Criticism Aesthetic thoughts: (p.311) 1)the object of art: truth in nature 2) allied with morality 3)serve the practical ends of people’s daily life 4)free expression, work pleasure Comments 1.The transition of Ruskin’s career from art criticism t social criticism was the natural outcome of his ___________________. 2. His style had been __________ and ________ now became _______ and ________. Comments 3. Ruskin is a social _________ and a master of English and belongs to the ranks of those honest, noble-m


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