Unit 10 Gregory Peck—An American Master.ppt

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Unit 10 Gregory Peck—An American Master

Unit 10 Gregory Peck—An American Master Teaching Objectives 1. To get students have an idea of the profound meaning of an American movie master. 2. To understand the purpose of writing and organization of the text. 3. To reinforce some basic linguistic knowledge by doing various types of exercises. Think Over: 1. How do you think of “an American master”? 2. How do you think of “super star of Hollywood”? I. About the text What is the message of the text How is the text organized? II. Structural Analysis Introduction (Para 1) Gregory Peck is both a famous Hollywood star and as a symbol of the American man at his best. 2. Para 2-5 Peck’s growth from a premed student to a celebrated actor 3. Para 8-9 Conclusion III. Some difficult words, phrases and sentences 1. As General MacArthur, Melville’s Captain Ahab, and Atticus Finch, he has presented audiences with compelling stories of strength and masculinity. Explain: In playing his roles such as General MacArthur and Captain Ahab, he powerfully impressed his audiences with the strength an male beauty of his characters. 2. If years of breathing life into characters such as Captain Keith Mallory and General MacArthur taught him anything, it was that life was profoundly complex. Explain: If he learnt something from the characters he vividly portrayed such as Captain Keith Mallory and General MacArthur, it was that life during wartime was extremely complex. 3. Breathe into life Religion is the breath of life to/ for her. The new manager has breathed fresh life into the company. 4. Cast/ shed/ throw light on Recent research has shed new light on the cases of the disease. New facts have been brought to light. (reveal) 3. Can you move? You’re in my light and can’t read. 5. Doom sb. to sth. We hate each other, yet we seem doomed constantly to meet. 相互交恶,偏偏冤家常碰头。 2. Doomsday 3. D-day 6. Be destined They were destined never to meet again. It was destined that the


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