Unit 2 Working the Land——A Pioneer for All People.ppt

Unit 2 Working the Land——A Pioneer for All People.ppt

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Unit 2 Working the Land——A Pioneer for All People

Complete the following forms. * Unit 2 Working the Land Liuheng High School---- Sully Sun ten years ago now ten years ago now More and more farmland has been used for buildings, but not for farming. ten years ago now super hybrid rice sunburnt face, arms and slim, strong body Dr Yuan Longping 1. Dr Yuan’s kind of rice is the most suitable for China’s farmland. 2. Dr Yuan would rather work than relax. 3. Dr Yuan enjoys a simpler life than most rich and famous people. 4. Last year Chinese farmers produced five times as much rice as they did in 1950. 5. Yuan is now circulating his knowledge in developed countries. 6. Dr Yuan enjoys swimming and reading as well as playing the violin in his spare time. 7. Dr Yuan has dreams when he is asleep and also when he is awake. Read the passage quickly and do “True or False”exercise. T T T F F F T future contribution application (应用) capacity (能力) facts about Yuan’s super hybrid rice ideal (理想) hobby personality education birth facts about Yuan Longping Ideal(理想) hobby personality education birth facts about Yuan Longping in 1930 graduate from Southwest Agriculture College in 1953 regard himself as a farmer; care little about spending money and being famous; play the violin, play mah-jong, swim and read export his rice to be grown all over the world future Contribu-tion Applica-tion (应用) capacity (能力) facts about Yuan’s super hybrid rice can produce 1/3 more of the crop in the same fields; more than 60%of the rice in China from this hybrid strain besides China, knowledge being circulated in India, Vietnam and other less developed countries to increase their rice harvest rice harvests being produced twice as large; 22% of people fed from just 7% of the farmland in China; the UN ridding the world of hunger the rice being grown all over the world What kind of person is Dr Yuan Longping in your mind? happy sad nervous shy proud dreaming hard-working unse


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