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unit 2 2稿

Thank You! * * * * * * * * * collocations of “system” a political system an economic system an educational system 政治体制 经济体制 教育体制 a one-party system a two-party system A multiparty system 一党制 两党制 多党制 the solar system 太阳系 an immune system 消化系统 qualify (v.) (Line 63, Para. 17) have or give (sb.) a legal right (to sth./to do sth.); be entitled to (使)有资格,(使)合适,(使)胜任 例 1)他的技能使他有资格从事这份工作。 His skills qualify him for the job. 例 2)你有投票的资格吗? Do you qualify for the vote? 搭配扩充 qualify...as 取得…资格,把(某人)说成; qualify…for 有…资格,有…权,应得,使能担任 qualify to do sth. 使有资格做某事 be qualified for… 有…的资格,适合担任; 构词扩充 qualification n. 资格,条件,限制,赋予资格; qualified a. 有资格的 option (n.) (Line 63, Para. 17) He has taken an option on that house. 他已取得那所房子的购买权。 (in business) an agreement or contract that gives sb. the right to buy or sell sth. such as property or shares at a future date购买或出售权,期权(指按规定价格在规定期限内购买房产或股票的权利) 例 option (n.) (Line 63, Para. 17) 你有选择读研究生或开始职业生涯的自由,你会选择哪一种? You have the option of going to graduate school or starting your professional career. Which one will you choose? 例 Sth. you can choose to do 选择,选择权 搭配扩充 have no option but to (do)除……之外没有他法; leave one’s options open不作选择,不表态; leave to one’s option 任意选择 make one’s option进行选择; scholarship (n.)(Line 70,Para. 19) After a competitive examination, he won a scholarship to that famous university. 他们十分崇拜教授那无可挑剔的学识。 They admired desperately the professor’s flawless scholarship. 经过竞争性选拔考试之后,他赢得了那所著名大学的奖学金。 1)(award of a) grant of money to a scholar奖学金 例 例 2) Learning or knowledge obtained by study 学识,学问 scholarship (n.)(Line 70,Para. 19) After a competitive examination, he won a scholarship to that famous university. 他们十分崇拜教授那无可挑剔的学识。 They admired desperately the professor’s flawless scholarship. 经过竞争性选拔考试之后,他赢得了那所著名大学的奖学金。 译 1)(award of a) grant of money to a scholar奖学金 例 例 2) Learning or knowledge obtained by study 学识,学问 名词+ 后缀ship 抽象名词。有三种情况 表示“情况、状态、性质、关系”:friendship, scholarship, relatio


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