Unit 2 Wish you were here--an adventure in Africa 课件 (牛津版必修2).ppt

Unit 2 Wish you were here--an adventure in Africa 课件 (牛津版必修2).ppt

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Unit 2 Wish you were here--an adventure in Africa 课件 (牛津版必修2)

What animals can we see in Kenya? * Unit 2 Wish you were here A small quiz Which continent? Hints The second largest continent Great deserts Red Sea Black people Rich natural resources Morocco Sahara River Nile Lake Victoria Kenya Tanzania Mount. Kilimanjaro Mout. Kilimanjaro Sahara Morocco Tanzania Lake Victoria River Nile Kenya Route (路线) of traveling Morocco Sahara *The largest desert in the world. *In the north of Africa *Tropical desert climate * About the size of America Through the Sahara Desert How to travel What to take Why to take them How long: Camels (throughout Sahara) 1 for camping 2 for sleeping 3 to see in the dark tents/ sleeping bags/ torch Six days Morocco Sahara River Nile Lake Victoria 1.What adventure activity will the writer try? Rafting White-water rafting Lake Victoria 2.What special clothing you have to wear? helmet life jacket Lake Victoria 3.Why does he want to do this adventure activity? Morocco Sahara River Nile Kenya Kenya Kenya The local Kenya people have a surprising traditional habit of drinking cow’s blood. Toby feels a little scared of drinking cow’s blood. 3. Since they are not dangerous at all, Toby and Colin will get close to the big animals to take good photos. 4. They need large, strong, heavy backpacks to carry water and food. 5. The guides take sharp knives with them to protect Toby and Colin from big animals. √ √ × × T or F × Morocco Sahara River Nile Kenya Tanzania Kilimanjaro Tanzania-- Kilimanjaro What is the common problem to many people climbing mountains? Do you want to take adventure travel? Why? Discussion *


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