General Project Management Theory Skills:一般项目管理理论与技巧.ppt

General Project Management Theory Skills:一般项目管理理论与技巧.ppt

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General Project Management Theory Skills:一般项目管理理论与技巧

Advanced Project Management - CPH Module 1 - General PM Theory 9 Conflict Management Forcing when… To gain status or power In short term (one time) deals When the relationship is unimportant When a quick decision must be made 9 Conflict Management Smoothing / Accommodating Emphasize areas of agreement Tends to downplay conflict instead of solving conflict May make sacrifices to satisfy the needs of the other party 9 Conflict Management Smoothing / Accommodating when… To reach an overarching or higher goal To create obligation for a trade-off at a later date When the stakes are low When liability is limited 9 Conflict Management Smoothing / Accommodating when… To maintain harmony When any solution will be adequate To create goodwill When you will lose anyway To gain time 9 Conflict Management Withdrawing / Avoiding Temporary solution at best Conflict and source of conflict will continue through project life Some view as cowardice and unwillingness to address the conflict situation 9 Conflict Management Withdrawing / Avoiding when… When you can’t win When stakes are low When stakes are high, but you are not ready To gain time 9 Conflict Management Withdrawing / Avoiding when… To unnerve your opponent To preserve neutrality or reputation When you think the problem will “go away” When you win by delay 9 Conflict Management Conflict – Door stuck shut Throw shoulder into door and break it open (Forcing) Ignore it, hope another will fix the door (Withdrawing/Avoiding) Determine what is causing the door to be stuck and correct the problem (Confronting / Problem solving) Conflict Management Preferred Problem-solving Compromising Last Resort Forcing Avoid Withdrawing / Avoiding 9 9 General Management Theory Skill Team Roles Constructive Team Roles Destructive Team Roles “An effective Project Manager will look to diminish or eliminate the effects of destructive team roles and enhance and maximize the effects of constructive team roles” * * General Project Management Theory


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