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DNA damage, repair and recombination 作为一种能决定生命状态存在和延续的生物大分子,DNA在遗传过程中必需保持高度的精确性和完整性,而且这种性能是细胞中任何一种分子都无法与之相比的。 尽管如此,在DNA复制过程中,仍难免会存在少量未被校正的差错。此外,DNA还会受到各种物理和化学因素的损伤。这些差错和损伤如果不被修复,将会产生严重的细胞学后果。 因为DNA分子本身是无法替代的,一个细胞通常只有1-2套基因组DNA,而不像蛋白质和RNA分子那样,能利用DNA中的遗传信息不断产生新的分子来替代受损伤的分子。所以,维护DNA遗传信息的稳定性对生物细胞来说是极其重要的。 在漫长的生命进化过程中,生物体不仅演化出能纠正复制错误的“校正”系统,而且在细胞中形成了多种多样的DNA修复系统,能对各种DNA的损伤进行修复,恢复DNA正常的超螺旋结构,以保持每个世代遗传信息的稳定性。 极少数不能修复的DNA损伤将会导致基因的突变,其中一部分突变将有利于物种的进化,而另一部分突变将导致细胞发生变异和死亡。 Mutagenesis DNA damage DNA repair Recombination F1 Mutagenesis Mutation Replication fidelity Physical mutagens Chemical mutagens Direct mutagenesis Indirect mutagenesis Mutation Mutations are permanent, heritable alterations in the base sequence of the DNA. Mutant gene, mutant type and wild type Type of mutant: ? spontaneous mutation ? induced mutation (mutagenesis) Point mutation Deletion and insertion mutation Significance of mutation Point mutation a simplest mutation, a single base change including transition (one purine or pyrimidine is replaced by the other ) and transversion (a purine replaces a pyrimidine or vice versa). Type ? cosense mutation ? missense mutation ? nonsense mutation ? mutation of termination codon ? mutation of initiation codon 镰刀型红细胞贫血病人的血红蛋白中,β链第6为谷氨酸被缬氨酸取代,其编码链DNA序列中的谷氨酸密码子GAG被置换为缬氨酸密码子GTG,两者之间仅发生了一个碱基的改变 Replication fidelity The error rate of DNA replication is much lower than that of transcription because of the need to preserve the meaning of the genetic message from one generation to the next. e.g. spontaneous mutation in E.coli , 10 -10 Mechanisms of minimizing the error rate ? DNA replicase choose the right bases according to basepairing rule ? 3’-5’ Proofreading exonuclease: distinguish a correct base pair from an incorrect one ? Mismatch repair Physical mutagens High-energy ionizing radiation (X-rays and γ-rays) The absorption of radiation causes the target molecules to lose electrons. The


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