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燃燃 料料 与与 化化 工工 Jan. 2011 52 FuelFuel ChemicaChemicall ProcessesProcesses Vol.42 No.1 干熄焦除盐水装置的应用与探讨 高 云 宁瑞学 酒泉钢铁集团有限责任公司焦化厂 嘉峪关 ( , 735100 ) 摘 要 酒钢焦化厂 # # 焦炉干熄焦除盐水装置以反渗透 系统 混床系统为核心设备 全自动过滤器 超 : 3 、 4 (RO ) 、 , 、 滤系统 为预处理单元 采用高分子分离膜加混床的制水方式 生产的除盐水品质高 膜前压力保持在 (UF ) , , , 0.02~ 的低水平 超滤进水流量可稳定在 左右 介绍了除盐水装置在实际应用中出现的问题和采取的各项 0.06MPa , 70t/h 。 改进措施。 关键词 除盐水 超滤 清洗 滤芯 反渗透 : 中图分类号: X703 文献标识码: B 文章编号: 1001-3709 (2011 ) 01-0052-03 Application and discussion on CDQ demineralized water system Gao Yun Ning Ruixue (The Coking Plant of Jiuquan Iron and Steel Group Co., Ltd., Jiayuguan 735100, China) Abstract: For the CDQ demineralized water system for No.3 and No.4 coke ovens of Jiu-steel, reverse os - mosis system and mixing bed system are taken as the key equipment, the fully automatic filter and ultrafil - tration system are used as pre-treatment unit; the water making mode of macromolecule separation film and mixing bed is adopted and the produced demineralized water is high in quality; the pressure before the film is kept at low level ranging from 0.02~0.06MPa and ultrafiltration incoming water flow rate can be sta - bilized at about 70t/h. The problems occurring in the actual application of the demineralized water system and various kinds of improving measures taken are described. Key words: Demineralized water Ultrafiltration Cleaning Strainer core Reverse osmosis 酒钢焦化厂 3# 、 4# 焦炉为 50+60 孔


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